Friday, October 29, 2010

November Is Our Month

I am not talking about politics this time.  November is American Diabetes Month.  We need to make everyone aware a cure is needed for this devastating disease.  I have blogged before about how it has affected me; my arteries, my feet, and now my eyesight.

Today the American Diabetes Association published a blog.  Let me share the link

Let me also borrow some of their blog:

§  Today, more than 4300 people will be diagnosed with diabetes.
§  More than 200 people will die today from diabetes.
§  1 in 3 Americans (and 1 in 2 minorities) born today will develop diabetes if current trends continue.
§  Diabetes kills more Americans each year than breast cancer and AIDS combined.
The more people we can get to become involved, the louder our collective voices will be.”

Yes we need to have our voices heard, so I am going to try and do my part in getting the word out.  Taking insulin or pills is not the answer to treat diabetes.  We need to find a cure, and bring our fight to the American people and educate them.  They need to know how it will change their lives if someone they know gets diabetes.  They need to know how much it will cost them to fight the battle, and how much we all can save financially if a cure is found.

I hate giving myself three to four injections a day to control my blood sugar.  I have to buy the insulin, and I have to find diabetic friendly foods, many of which are higher priced just because the foods or drinks do not contain sugar.

I constantly go to store and restaurant managers trying to get diabetic needs met.  This is something we all have to do.  Diabetics are a huge silent majority.  We do not have a “sexy” disease, and spokespeople are few and far between.  So we all individually have to make our voices heard.  Who knows maybe we will find a spokesperson to keep our fight for our lives in the forefront.

Please join me in the month of November to get the word out.  If we do this and join the team to stop diabetes,  it can become a habit for us to fight on a regular basis.  Diabetes is a very nasty disease and we need your help in this fight for you and your loved ones lives.


Anonymous said...

A cure for diabetes would mean an annual loss of at least $120 billion to the medical community. Do you really want to put thousands of people out of work and bankrupt several corporations? Buck up Vince and drink a high fructose corn syrup sweetened Coca Cola to keep these folks in the money.

Kathy DeLisi said...

I'm sorry you have such ignorant idiots, to put it lightly, reading your blog. Cowardly, as well, to make that kind of comment anonymously.

My husband is part of that $120 billion medical community, and we would both like to see diabetes go by way of polio.