Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Find A Cure!

I am asking all of you to help find a cure for diabetes.  We hear about it all of the time, however, unless you suffer from this terrible disease you may not understand what your friends and relatives are going through.  From the Mayo Clinic:

The term "diabetes mellitus" refers to a group of diseases that affect how your body uses blood glucose, commonly called blood sugar. Glucose is vital to your health because it's the main source of energy for the cells that make up your muscles and tissues. It's your body's main source of fuel.
If you have diabetes, no matter what type, it means you have too much glucose in your blood, although the reasons may differ. Too much glucose can lead to serious health problems.
Chronic diabetes conditions include type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes. Potentially reversible diabetes conditions include prediabetes — when your blood sugar levels are higher than normal, but not high enough to be classified as diabetes — and gestational diabetes, which occurs during pregnancy.

The complications are just terrible.  A little about me and my fight with diabetes.  I was diagnosed in the late 80’s with a blood sugar reading of 600.  This is not good.  Normal range is 72-120 give or take.  At first I was able to control my blood sugars with exercise and diet.  So I thought, no problem, I have this beaten.  Nothing could have been further from the truth.  I ignored my problem except for soda.  I stopped drinking soda with sugar and figured diet sodas would do the trick.

I was an active guy, working all of the time.  I was a sportscaster and news reporter.  I did this in two cities, Pittsburgh Pennsylvania and Washington D.C., so although I was told I was diabetic I figured keep busy and it will go away.

If you have been told you are diabetic it will not go away.  In fact if you do not take care of yourself, it will get worse.

Let us fast forward to 2005.  Over the time leading up to that year my blood sugars were out of control.  I figured out when my sugars were high I became short with people and downright mean.  When they were too low, I had no idea of what was going on around me.  I rarely tested my blood, although I was supposed to do that at least four times a day.  I did not watch my diet all that well; hey I am Sicilian, no pasta or pizza on a daily basis?  Forget about it!!!

Diabetes will attack something in your body.  My attack was twofold, my feet and my arteries, and in 2005 I needed a double by-pass operation, and since then I have had seven stents placed in my arteries.  I still was not convinced diabetes was doing this to me.  It progressed, and colds, kidney stones, stress (especially stress) raise my blood sugar.  I also lost the feeling in my feet, something I was able to reverse.

I am now trying to be a model patient.  Not sure if that is possible, but I am trying, testing my sugars seven times a day, and trying to keep my “numbers” in range.  Sometimes I feel I am fighting a losing battle, but being the fighter I have always been, whether it was playing sports, or working as a sportscaster,  I have always been a fighter to be number one and the best I could be.

Now I want to fight for the millions of diabetics so they do not become statistics.  We need a CURE for diabetes.  It is great to try and control our sugars, but a cure is not an impossible dream.  The Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation sponsors walks around the country to raise funds to continue research.  I humbly ask all people to walk or donate money to this worthy cause.  This is such a nasty disease and it attacks all ethnicities and sexes.  It is an equal opportunity royal pain in the a…  ok you get my drift.  Check with the JDRF, or the American Diabetes Association for a walk near you.

Thank you for anything you can do to help this very worthy fight.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Does This Really Pass as News?

A thread on Facebook moves me to answer this question.  Here is the post:

So Lindsey Lohan 24, is all over the news because she's a celebrity drug addict? Justin Allen 23, Brett Linley 29, Matthew Weikert 29, Justus Bartett 27,Dave Santos 21, Chase Stanley 21, Jesse Reed 26, Matthew Johnson 21, Zachary Fisher 24, Brandon King 23, Christopher Goeke 23 & Sheldon Tate 27 are all Marines that gave their lives this week! No media mention at all! Let's honor THEM by reposting”

I usually do not pay attention to posts like this, and I have not checked the names in this post, however we lose soldiers fighting for our continued freedom every day.  I show you now a media gathering”

This was the gathering to cover Lindsey Lohans’ last court appearance.  I have seen fewer reporters at candidate debates, murder investigations, and even tragic accidents.  It never was this way.  I covered many stories in my career as a news and sports reporter, and I am proud to say I have been able to stay away from this circus atmosphere.

Today however, assignment editors have given legitimacy to this type of story and the paparazzi stalking celebrities.  It is nothing more than a paycheck for these fools with cameras who become the story more times than not. 

For me it was the thrill of getting the story, and I wanted to be first.  I wanted to put on the air a factual story and be fair to both sides of an issue.  One of my proudest moments was a story I did in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania covering pro-life and pro choice.  I received nice notes from both sides complimenting me on my coverage.

Today it is just dig up the dirt, do not let the facts get in the way of a story, and quickly move on to the next easy celeb.  There is a market for this, TMZ, Entertainment Tonight to name two.  But by giving credence and calling this a news story, shame on “legitimate” news outlets, and their ambush approach to journalism. They now cover politics, wars, and tragedies like they would Lohan, just looking for the juicy 15 sec incendiary soundbite.
I challenge our news executives to get back into the news business.  Let us once again look for and find what the story is and stay away from blatant sensationalism.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Glad To See These Rolling Stones Gone

The Stones, a great rock group and after all these years still on their game.  The “stones” I am talking about are my kidney stones.  Ouch!!  Damn they hurt, and being used to being on my game until some years of medical maladies, these stones put me well off my current game.

I realized I have a warning the stones are coming.  When for no reason my blood sugar elevates, meaning I am eating the right things, taking my meds etc., well when my blood sugar rises and lowers, watch out because I won’t be getting any satisfaction, just pain.

That was my life this past week.  Crazy sugars, diabetes really is a terrible disease.  They were all over the place, and then came the kidney twinge.  Ouch again!!  Oh no, here they come again.  I have been getting kidney stones since I was about 25 so I knew what was coming.  Last year one was so big the doctor had to go in to get it out after treatments to blast the stone failed.

So what was in store for this time?  Would I pass it?  Another visit to the hospital?   Well out came the drinks, non carbonated ones.  And the little boys’ room and I became close friends.  For three days nothing but pain.  OK so I used some meds to help me, but that is what they are for.  Then in the middle of the night on Wednesday… well there came one of those stones, amen the pain would be gone.

But wait!  The pain was not gone.  Oh no another stone or two still in there.  What causes my stones?  Not really sure, could be what I eat, could be genetic.  I think the kidney stone fairy just plants them there.  My doc told me even my love of broccoli can cause them.

What is a kidney stone?  According to the website the National Kidney and Urologic Diseases Clearinghouse:

A kidney stone is a hard mass developed from crystals that separate from the urine within the urinary tract. Normally, urine contains chemicals that prevent or inhibit the crystals from forming. These inhibitors do not seem to work for everyone, however, so some people form stones. If the crystals remain tiny enough, they will travel through the urinary tract and pass out of the body in the urine without being noticed.
Kidney stones may contain various combinations of chemicals. The most common type of stone contains calcium in combination with either oxalate or phosphate. These chemicals are part of a person’s normal diet and make up important parts of the body, such as bones and muscles.
A less common type of stone is caused by infection in the urinary tract. This type of stone is called a struvite or infection stone. Another type of stone, uric acid stones, are a bit less common, and cystine stones are rare.”

And they report if you get one… more may be on the way, as in my case.  My doctor and I continue to try and figure out why and how to stop them.  Ouch there is that twinge again.  And the drinks kept coming, pouring so much liquid in me trying to force out that… oh wait. I will be right back.

I am back, and bang, gone, and no pain!!!  I have survived another bout with the stones.  Every time I do this however I feel like I am “Playing with Fire!!”

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Throw Away The Key!!

It happened in Bell California.  The “leaders” and I use that term loosely, busted.  Why?  They are being charged with misappropriating 5.5 million dollars in funds.  The L.A. District Attorney Steve Cooley came up with a great phrase calling this “corruption on steroids”.  Just love it, and it is a perfect description.

Among the eight arrested ex-City Manager Robert Rizzo, ex-Assistant City Manager Angela Spaccia and Mayor Oscar Hernandez.  Rizzo had a salary and benefit package worth 1.5 million dollars and is charged with writing his own deal and steering loans of 1.9 million to himself and others.  He sits in the county jail on 3.2 million dollars bond.


Exposed was the theft from the hard working residents of Bell.  Politicians using their office to take what they want and to hell with the taxpaying citizens.  Of course the attorney for Rizzo says the charges are politically motivated because Cooley is running for California Attorney General.  Good try, but his client appears to be nothing more than a crook.  Do not take my word, just ask some Bell residents.


It is about time those in office are held accountable for their greed.  I am sure this is not the only case of theft like this.  Maybe others are not as outrageous as this one; however I would be shocked if this is the only one in the country where taxpayers are duped.  (Yes , it is sarcasm dripping here!!!)


It is up to us the taxpayers to hold our officials responsible for what they do with the money they take out of our paychecks, or pay directly to them.  Accountability is something Politian’s want to walk away from in all levels of government.  And this is nothing new.  Just look at this quote:


It is dangerous for a national candidate to say things that people might remember. - Eugene McCarthy

Seems it is dangerous at the local level as well.  Hopefully a jury of their peers will give these corrupt officials from Bell, their just rewards.


Monday, September 20, 2010

Should Congress Just Stay on Vacation?

After seeing this I think so.  From

Another new tax idea being floated by the Obama White House is the so-called "transaction tax." This tax will initially be a 1% tax on any transactions you make at any financial institutions such as banks and credit unions. If you make a deposit or withdrawal, move money from one account to another, or even take cash from an ATM you will have to pay 1% of each amount to the Federal government. Think about how many such transactions you make a month and you can see how quickly this amount can add up.

Unbelievable!!    They now want to tax money which for the most part has already been taxed.   Just think about it, you want to move some money into your checking account so you will not bounce a check… a tax; you need money from your ATM… a tax; you use your ATM/Debit card to go out to lunch.  After you pay taxes on the meal… another tax!!!   What are our elected officials thinking?  Or should I say not thinking.

I know I feel I pay my share of taxes, but this is beyond my share.  Our officials are living in a fantasy world if they think we will put up with this form of robbery.  Give us all a break!!!  In this economy so many of us are just sliding through, and yet Congress wants more money.

Sure they say they want a tax break for those who make 250 thousand dollars a year, but they find a way to just take it back from us.  Give me my money in cash, and I will stuff it in my mattress.  Less chance of a burglar breaking in and taking it than Congress stealing it from me.

Before you vote in November, find out where your representative stands on this issue, and vote him or her out of office.  I never minded paying my fair share, but we are beyond that now, and a double tax on my income?  No thanks!  It is up to all of us to find out where our elected officials stand on all issues and vote with our heads not our hearts.  

Friday, September 17, 2010

Being A Bully Does Not Refer to Just Children

What is a bully? Well According to the American Heritage Dictionary a bully is:

1. A person who is habitually cruel or overbearing, especially to smaller or weaker people.
2. A hired ruffian; a thug.
3. A pimp.

A friend of mine lives in a condo complex of 5 units, all individually owned and owner occupied.  The problem, one of the owners believes she owns the entire place and dictates what is done there and how it is done.  She causes so much trouble it is questionable if there is an actual homeowners board to run the place. This bully makes unilateral decisions.  All but one owner are female.  The one male in the entire complex does not want to confront this individual for fear of being accused of abuse.  And who can blame him.   When confronted about her egregious behavior, she retaliates in a cowardly ways which makes the other owners lives miserable.

For example, driving into the common garage, a balcony drain dripped water on her car; her answer was to dump a bottle of water on that owner’s car parked in the garage.  One owner with west facing windows, remember it is summer in 
California,  this bully ordered the gardener to cut the shrubby below the windows removing any possible shade to that unit.  This same person held a visitors parking space “hostage” for three months by parking an unregistered car in the space.  Since then anyone using the guest spot may find their visitors car “keyed’
Gone are the days of taking care of the situation, political correctness has made it possible for this behavior to continue. As one police officer put it, “if we come out, someone will go to jail, but we cannot guarantee who”.

Reported today on ABC’s Good Morning America, a father was arrested for going onto a school bus and confronting some bullies who have been attacking his disabled daughter.  He wanted this to stop.  So he got to go to jail.  However it looks like authorities in Central Florida may, just may bring charges against the bus bullies.  The damage is done. His daughter will not go on the bus and is under a suicide watch.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Some Things I Know I Think

Life can be full of simple pleasures.  My Boston Terrier is one of my great pleasures…. She can talk to me as clear as day.  She wants to eat, and  she throws her food dish around until it is filled, if she is stressed she goes and gets her favorite ball, a yellow soft soccer ball and sucks on it while she lies in bed, if she has to do her business she rings a bell on the door.  If she really has to go the bell is rung very loudly!!!!  When she wants to go to bed for the night she arranges her pillows plops down and starts snoring.

Some other pleasures for me are and the Getty Museum.  I have become a Docent there.  Finished my training and I officially begin this Sunday Afternoon.  I did however get an early start, providing a tour for one of my east coast friends.  We also dined and toured the rest of the Getty on Wednesday, what a perfect day!!!

Some other things I know I think:

 Reggie Bush should be ashamed of himself.  He is nothing more than a cheater who got caught, and was stripped of the Heisman.  The people affected were nowhere near USC when Bush the cheater was accepting money for himself and his parents, but the Trojan team has to suffer now.

I think ESPN’s jay Mariotti will find out what it is like to be in the police state know as Los Angeles, where domestic violence can be described as an argument between two people.  If someone calls the lapd version of the keystone cops, someone will go to jail.  I am not commenting on his guilt or innocence, I do not know what really happened; but he will be presumed guilty here in L.A.

Finally I made a new friend this week.  Casey is a go getter who really knows how to make lemonade out of lemons.  Without a job she came up with an idea which has taken off.  She told me all about her venture know as The Girls Getaway Guide.  She books tours when a bunch of ladies want to go on a vacation just for the girls.  I was impressed with her website

 The video she has made, and the book she self published but is available in Barnes and Nobles.  Congratulations on taking an idea and running with it.  I could not convince her I would be a great tour guide.  Oh well maybe if she sees me at the Getty!!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Nothing But Thugs

I am talking about the leaders of Iran.  First they tell the world they are going to release American Sarah Shourd so she can get much needed medical treatment.  Now it’s give us 500 grand and she will be let out on bail.

This is no more than ransom.  Iran sees this as a way of doing business.  They have done this before, and are trying to do it again.  I think this shows they are just kidnappers who want money.  The fact they admit Sarah needs medical help shows what type of low lives are running the country there.  There is no compassion for people, especially women.

The international community should come down on these thugs who are hurting for money because of sanctions against them.  Want the sanctions removed?  Act like human beings and stop your kidnapping tactics, and start the practice of treating people fairly.  I mean all people, especially those you rule.  No one likes a bully.  Most bullies get their just rewards, and I hope you get yours.  It would be so nice if, to quote John Lennon, “instant karma’s gonna get you”.

My prayers are being said for Sarah, her family, and all bring held for ransom in Iran.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Why Can’t We Be Friends????

Sitting here listening to War singing this song and I thought, 1) what a great question, 2) what a great song, and 3) what a good title for a blog.

I come from a pretty large Sicilian family on both my mother’s and father’s side.  Mom was one of eleven kids.  My grandparents did it the right way, Ellis Island, my grandfathers found  jobs, built  homes for their families, and they were proud to be American’s.  Their kids, my aunt’s and uncle’s were very much individuals.  They all had their own thoughts and ideas.  Half were Republicans the other half Democrats so discussions were lively, but respectful.  Everyone listened to their thoughts and the process on how they got there.  They would even like to debate with me and my cousins.  Opinions were diverse, and I loved getting into “debates”.  This is how I learned about our political system, one in which different ideas were listened to, and compromise was the answer.    What the hell happened?

I do not have the answer to that question.  When people try to answer in 2010 there is so much acrimony.  People will not even try to have a conversation, never mind a relationship with anyone who does not agree with their political point of view. 

Personally I could care less about your politics.  Fight nicely for your ideals, and I will do the same.  It is so hard to find many people who feel this way.  That is why I have top tip my hat to Mary Matalin and James Carville.   James on the left, Mary on the right, and they are married, and have been for quite some time proving naysayers wrong, with comments of this will not last long.

Hey everyone wake up!!!!! We can coexist despite our political differences.  And those of you in office, both sides of the isle, get off your high horses and stop attacking those on the other side.  We are blessed to live in such a great country with talented and intelligent people.  So let us all take a breath and start working with each other on solutions.  We have to do this, we do not want to have either a Civil War, or become a country where others can walk right in and destroy the greatest nation on earth.

So again I ask the question, Why Can’t We Be Friends?

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

A Green Question and a Follow Up

It is a question I hear all too often, paper or plastic.  Thank God we still have a choice in the Police State known as California.  I hear about plastic hurting the earth in our dump sites.  Again our dump sites.  Well, I use those plastic bags to pick up after the dog, and by doing that, I do not have to buy more plastic bags.  But I digress, the question I have for all of the celebs out there demanding we do not use plastic bags because it is not green, the question I have is have you all stopped smoking and polluting the air I breath?  When you stop lighting up, come back and talk to me.  Second hand smoke is a killer period.

And now the follow up.   I recently wrote a blog On September 1st about my experience at a Starbucks and unruly kids.  Running into people and screaming and the mother said they are just kids what are they supposed to do?  Such an entitled mom.  Well I am not the only one who feels this way.  From WETC channel 6’s website:

CAROLINA BEACH, NC (WECT) - A restaurant in Carolina Beach is stirring up controversy over a couple of signs reading, "Screaming children will not be tolerated."
The owner of the Olde Salty restaurant, Brenda Armes, is tired of having her customers complain to her about children misbehaving and screaming when others are trying to enjoy a quiet meal.
Armes says the signs have worked.
"It has been a good thing for us," Armes said. "It has brought us in more customers than it has ever kept away."
Gary Gibson was dining at the restaurant for the first time and agrees with Armes.
"It's not very enjoyable when you hear a bunch of kids screaming. It's nice to see a sign like that up," Gibson said.
While many are for the rule, some families are against it.
"I've never seen a restaurant say, don't bring your screaming kids in here," said Ashley Heflin, who is a mom of two. "You can't help it if your kids scream."
Armes says that if a child is screaming, a restaurant employee will ask the parent to take them outside to calm down. They will not be asked to leave the restaurant for good.
"We want to attract the type of people that come in knowing they aren't going to have to sit behind a table with a bunch of screaming children," Armes said.”

Start a chain Brenda, I will be a loyal customer!!!!  And if I get to your neighborhood, I will stop by the Olde Salty, and thank you.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Reliving A Little of One’s Youth

I got to do that this past Friday, when I went to the Hollywood Bowl and saw not a good, but a great concert.  Earth wind & Fire teamed with the L.A. Philharmonic to rock the bowl in front of a sold out audience.

What a combo.  The night began with a bowl tradition when the Philharmonic is there, they played the National Anthem, and we all stood and sang with pride.  The orchestra then did an interesting Duke Ellington piece, and then EW&F came on stage.

When I go to a concert with bands from the 70’s I wonder how their voices will hold up.  With three of the originals on stage and Mr. EW&F himself Maurice White, who can no longer perform, taking a bow, I was amazed how great their voices still are.  EW&F will celebrate 40 years together in 2011.  There are other 70’s groups who have lost their voices and people cringe when they go for the high notes.  Not a problem for Philip Bailey who can still hit all of the high ones and brought us to our feet.

What a way to start the Labor Day weekend.  The crowd around me was into it and with the exception of one lady who snuck into out section and showed us all how not to dance, she was escorted out by the way, we were all just enjoying an amazing concert, and the night ended with EW&F along with the Philharmonic, enjoying, playing, and singing, along with an outstanding fireworks show to go along with the music.

So for a few hours I was transported back in time when life was much simpler for me.  To be able to smile and remember the good times for a couple of hours made all things right with the world. 

A Big THANK YOU to the Hollywood Bowl, EW&F and the Philharmonic for such a joyous evening!!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Keep It To A Low Roar

This is for all of the parents out there who think their children are so cute, and everyone should recognize this.

I am sitting at my favorite Starbucks today, just trying to do some book keeping.  This place is outstanding, large, cool, and for most of the time quiet.  But NOT TODAY!!

Let me say this first.  I love children, and so many come to this Starbucks and are well behaved and act just like kids, sometimes they act up but mom or dad is there to take care of the situation.  Not today.  The four kids from hell are here.  Four of them, running into things, yelling, and screaming, and bumping into people.

Hey they are entitled, well at least that is what their mothers think.  After about 40 minutes, and a number of near brushes of knocking my drink onto my laptop, I finally show exasperation on my face.  Mom said to me, “what do you expect them to do, they are just kids.”

Wrong thing to say to me!!!  I had no comment remembering I am in the police state known as California where voicing a non PC statement can get you handcuffs.   I heard her say to her friend,  “this is ridiculous I don’t have to take this abuse, I am outta here!” I thought “don’t let the door hit you on the way out.”

She is one of the entitled generation who do not believe in any form of discipline.  She and her little monsters can do what they want and when they want, and meets any opposition to this with disgust. 

I know I was not allowed this behavior, and my “kids” were not permitted to act out like that in a public place.  But what do I know? I guess once again the majority has to step back.  Here is to all of the sweet little ones who are out and about and to their parents who care.

As for you entitled parents, sorry the world does not have to get out of your way so you and yours can do what you want when you want.

What is this?  Ah the sound of silence, the entitled have left the building!