Wednesday, October 13, 2010

A Miracle For The World To Witness

I did not get much sleep last night.  I could not rest because of what was going on in Chile.  The rescue of 33 miners began and so far so good.  A capsule a little wider than a basketball hoop was designed by NASA and built by the Chilean Navy.  The capsule is bringing up the trapped miners one at a time and each trip takes about an hour.

What heartwarming pictures we are getting from the scene of the rescues.  Families being reunited, sons seeing their dads for the first time in more than two months, and for the first time in ages I was happy to see 24 hour coverage on the tube.

The miners were in an area described as the size of a studio apartment.  They divided themselves into teams, each responsible for an aspect of their survival.  What great teamwork!!!  They also sang the Chilean soccer chant, this time nothing to do with scoring goals, but saving their own lives.

It was great to see the President of Chile right there to welcome the miners from their hell of being trapped so far underground. His emotion was so evident, he was not being a Politian, he was being a leader.  It was also great to see those around the rescued miners joining in the soccer chant with emotion and love in their voices.

The quote so far which stands out is from the second miner rescued.  “I’ve been near God, but I’ve also been near the devil.  God won.”

For those looking for miracles on earth, this is truly one we can all relate to and be part of thanks to technology.  I have no doubt, prayers said for the safety and rescue of the miners played a huge part in the success of this operation.  The world asked, God listened, and responded.


Susan Wolfe Devol said...

Vince thanks for this, I felt the same way. I think we all can relate to "I've seen the devil and I've seen God" there are many ways to be trapped.

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