Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Let’s Thank A Vet Vince DeLisi Asks Now What Do I Really Think

December 7, 1941 the day Pearl Harbor was attacked by the Japanese, a day just like 9-11 we should never forget.  I know many veterans from WWII are no longer with us and it is easy to forget them and this day, but we should not.  My dad, uncles, and my mother were all in the service for the Second World War.

Yes mom was a rebel in her times.  After high school she went on to business school, and decided to enlist in the army.  This was not something respected in the 40’s, but she felt the need to serve her country and did.  She also met my dad at the end of the war in Miami.  My dad was unhurt during the war; my uncles received purple hearts while fighting the enemy.  One of my uncles, my Uncle Eddie got his purple heart being injured in the Battle of the Bulge.

My mom, dad, and uncles, all Sicilian Americans, first generation Americans, and felt it their responsibility to serve their country.  Thank God for their desire to keep our county safe and free.  If it was not for that generation, I doubt if our entitled generation would be around today to complain about what a terrible country the United States is. 

After the war the United States helped rebuild a shattered world with financial  and moral support, something to this day the USA continues when disaster strikes another country.   I have not been in school for quite some time, but I wonder how much is taught about the history of our countries involvement in WWI, WWII, the Korean Conflict, and Viet Nam, and how much of the teaching is fact and how much is the bias of the teacher in the classroom.

If you have any relatives who are still here, and were involved in any conflict, learn history from them, and while you are at it give them a hug and thank them for keeping us free, and thank any veteran or serviceman and woman currently fighting against the terrorist around the world trying with all of their might to destroy the best country in the world.  The United States has been blessed having citizens protecting our freedom throughout our history.  Let us all remember the phrase and say it daily NEVER AGAIN.  Let us not allow our enemies destroy this country from within.

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