Monday, December 20, 2010

Ask Not What Your Country Can Do For You…

Ask What You Can Do For Your Country.   A quote from JFK, I wonder if this is even taught in schools any longer.  Why is it I read every day about how the U.S.A. should be doing for them?  I understand people are hurting, and the government is giving help.
When I hear over and over how we should help illegal’s, whether it is the Dream Act, or amnesty, I keep on remembering the great quote by President Kennedy.  An interesting point to be made, if JFK were alive today, the Harry Reid’s and Nancy Pelosi’s would be condemning him for not being a true Democrat.

Stop telling me if I give you my hard earned money you will eventually do for me.  My grandparents came to this country, and did it the legal way and became proud American citizens.  I welcome anyone from any country who goes about it the same way my relatives did.  But for people to sneak in and then demand welfare and education please enough. 

I have worked for everything I have, or do not have, and I am very proud to say that.  I have no problem helping people with donations, but I will decide where and to whom my generosity goes.  I do not want my government telling me they want some of my money to give to people who are not in this country legally.  They want to do this, and push them through to be American citizens, so they can have their votes and these politicians can remain on the taxpayer’s dime.  I am convinced they do not give a damn about them as people, but only as a way to keep their jobs forever.  I encourage all of us to help people who need it, but let us decide who the recipient is, and how much we can afford to help.  Do not try and raise my taxes to help people who should not be here in the first place.

On to another topic, I see the Soviet Union is warning the United States Senate not to amend the arms treaty between the two countries.  They warn us?  Last time I looked it is the Senates job to make sure this is good for the UNITED STATES!!   Who is the Soviet Union to issue such a warning?  Let us see what our leaders do to make sure our country remains protected period.

Finally today, Kobe Bryant what are you thinking?  Or not thinking I guess, Bryant who has had problems getting endorsements since his trial for rape in Colorado, has endorsed Turkish Airlines, which has upset his Armenian fans in the Los Angeles area.  The Armenians and Turks are at odds over the Turks refusal to admit the slaughter of more than a million Armenians in the early 1900’s.

Whoever is advising Kobe should be fired.  He does not need the money from this endorsement and all he has done is alienate his fan base.  Selling hotdogs or cars one thing, but becoming involved in a political debate is something else.  I am sure Kobe did not want to offend anyone, but please Kobe surround yourself with intelligent knowledgeable people who will not ruin the love of your Laker fans.  In L.A. fans want to cheer three-peat, they do not want to bring politics into the Staple Center.

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