Monday, November 8, 2010

It’s Their Sandbox

I think it is very funny, people up in arms about MSNBC entertainer Keith Olberman’s suspension by NBC.  The first reaction, hey what about FOX?  It seems FOX does not have the same rules as NBC.  It is like saying Bank of America and Chase should have the same rules.  Each company sets their own. 

I did think it interesting many who came to Olbermans defense yelled about FOX giving money to Republicans, but never brought up the fact MSNBC’s parent company GE gives money to Democrats.  I think it is interesting GE has a policy which will not let employees donate money unless they approve.

The bottom line Olberman violated his contract.  He is lucky he did not get fired.  He will be back on the air Tuesday night.  Now if he wants to play in NBC’s sandbox, he must follow their rules, or find another sandbox.

Keith, just like Sean Hannity, and Rush Limbaugh are nothing more than political entertainers.  They all are judge by ratings, lose the ratings and lose their jobs.  I have no problem with any political entertainer giving opinions.  They are NOT journalists, and to suggest that rules should change for journalists is absurd.

I remember one alleged journalist I worked with said he was going to use his position as senior political reporter to do everything in his power to make sure George Bush would not be re-elected.  I asked him if that was the proper thing to use his position for, he said he did not care.  These “type” of reporter sare the most dangerous.  They want you to believe they are fair and balanced and are not.

Come on we all know the leanings of the networks and cable networks.  But when a reporter decides to lean left or right there is a problem.  No wonder people do not trust most in the media.

Back to Olberman,  I wish him the best when he returns to the airwaves.  Was his hand slapped because he upset one of the powers that be?  Was this no more than to show Keith who is the boss?  I think the later, although I have no proof, but knowing the industry this is a tactic to reign in one who starts believing his own press.   According to, NBC sources say the suspension was over the amount of money he makes, and his balking at taking a pay cut.  Let us take this for what it was.  Let us not try to once again bring politics into an area where it is not needed.  If you are fan of Keith you will see him again, if not, you still will not watch him.  Let the ratings decide if he should continue in his current role or not.

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