Friday, November 12, 2010

Healthcare: What I Can Do

This is a very controversial issue.  According to polls, the majority of Americans do not like the current healthcare bill passed by Congress and the Senate.  Many of our representatives voted on a bill they did not even read.  I hope our newly elected officials take note of that.

So what we need is a compromise.  That will end my opinion on this.  What I want to talk about today, is not Cigna Insurance who decided to let a nurse overrule my doctor as to my disability, and not about being forced onto Medicare, making my monthly payments increasing hundreds of dollars.  OK I got a shot in, but I have done that my entire career as a sportscaster.

What I want to do is put my money where my mouth is.  I am a type two diabetic who uses insulin.  If you have read this blog before you know this is diabetes awareness month.  I was diagnosed with diabetes in the late 80’s.  For more than 20 years I have suffered from this horrible disease, living in denial for most of the 20 plus.  With coronary artery disease, retinopathy, and some foot problems, I have been slapped into reality.  So what can I do?

I can complain, why me, or do something about it.  I have decided on the later.  Last evening I went to a diabetes fair at a local hospital for continuing education on how to fight my diabetes.  I am doing a great deal of research on what I can do to make my life better.  I even try to cook diabetic meals to keep my blood sugars in check.  Despite all of this my morning sugars were 256 this morning, normal 70-120.  My A1C test was 9.4, very bad, it should be around 6.0.  I am frustrated struggling with meds, diet and exercise.  I am not about to give up!!!  There is too much life waiting for me out there and I will not miss it.  I may be a person who needs a cure not medicines.  We are getting closer.

So for the first time I am going to take part in the American Diabetes Association walk on Saturday.  This is to raise money to find a cure.  It is called Step Out: A Walk to Fight Diabetes.  I have posted this in my blog, on Facebook and on Twitter.  Some very dear people have made donations in my name to support me and the fight.  I cannot thank them enough.  Research can always use more money.  Although it is projected in ten years one out of three Americans’ will be diabetic, we are not the “sexy” disease today where money is easily raised,

If anyone can donate anything, a dollar, five, ten, this could help in finding a cure and maybe helping family members who have not yet been afflicted by this disease.   My latest challenge is my eyesight.  I thank God everyday to still be able to see, although my left eye is not good.  I will be out there walking and talking about diabetes as often and as long as as I can.

Thank you all for taking the time today to read this.  If you can support me in my walk here is a link:

Enter my name.  If your company has a matching funds option please include them too.  Thanks again!!!

1 comment:

lrm710 said...

So proud of you Vince! I ride in the ADA Bike for the Cure annually (raised $1500 2 years ago). As a type 1 diabetic I face the risk of the same severe side-effects you do. I've been injecting insulin since the age of 11 (38 years for those who know me). That means testing my own bloodsugar with finger pricks 5-10X a day. Now my regimine is so tight I am taking 5 shots a day, plus regular exercise and eating healthy. For me, so far its working.
Please - everyone - donate ANYTHING you can. thanks.