Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Throw Away The Key!!

It happened in Bell California.  The “leaders” and I use that term loosely, busted.  Why?  They are being charged with misappropriating 5.5 million dollars in funds.  The L.A. District Attorney Steve Cooley came up with a great phrase calling this “corruption on steroids”.  Just love it, and it is a perfect description.

Among the eight arrested ex-City Manager Robert Rizzo, ex-Assistant City Manager Angela Spaccia and Mayor Oscar Hernandez.  Rizzo had a salary and benefit package worth 1.5 million dollars and is charged with writing his own deal and steering loans of 1.9 million to himself and others.  He sits in the county jail on 3.2 million dollars bond.


Exposed was the theft from the hard working residents of Bell.  Politicians using their office to take what they want and to hell with the taxpaying citizens.  Of course the attorney for Rizzo says the charges are politically motivated because Cooley is running for California Attorney General.  Good try, but his client appears to be nothing more than a crook.  Do not take my word, just ask some Bell residents.


It is about time those in office are held accountable for their greed.  I am sure this is not the only case of theft like this.  Maybe others are not as outrageous as this one; however I would be shocked if this is the only one in the country where taxpayers are duped.  (Yes , it is sarcasm dripping here!!!)


It is up to us the taxpayers to hold our officials responsible for what they do with the money they take out of our paychecks, or pay directly to them.  Accountability is something Politian’s want to walk away from in all levels of government.  And this is nothing new.  Just look at this quote:


It is dangerous for a national candidate to say things that people might remember. - Eugene McCarthy

Seems it is dangerous at the local level as well.  Hopefully a jury of their peers will give these corrupt officials from Bell, their just rewards.


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