Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Keep It To A Low Roar

This is for all of the parents out there who think their children are so cute, and everyone should recognize this.

I am sitting at my favorite Starbucks today, just trying to do some book keeping.  This place is outstanding, large, cool, and for most of the time quiet.  But NOT TODAY!!

Let me say this first.  I love children, and so many come to this Starbucks and are well behaved and act just like kids, sometimes they act up but mom or dad is there to take care of the situation.  Not today.  The four kids from hell are here.  Four of them, running into things, yelling, and screaming, and bumping into people.

Hey they are entitled, well at least that is what their mothers think.  After about 40 minutes, and a number of near brushes of knocking my drink onto my laptop, I finally show exasperation on my face.  Mom said to me, “what do you expect them to do, they are just kids.”

Wrong thing to say to me!!!  I had no comment remembering I am in the police state known as California where voicing a non PC statement can get you handcuffs.   I heard her say to her friend,  “this is ridiculous I don’t have to take this abuse, I am outta here!” I thought “don’t let the door hit you on the way out.”

She is one of the entitled generation who do not believe in any form of discipline.  She and her little monsters can do what they want and when they want, and meets any opposition to this with disgust. 

I know I was not allowed this behavior, and my “kids” were not permitted to act out like that in a public place.  But what do I know? I guess once again the majority has to step back.  Here is to all of the sweet little ones who are out and about and to their parents who care.

As for you entitled parents, sorry the world does not have to get out of your way so you and yours can do what you want when you want.

What is this?  Ah the sound of silence, the entitled have left the building!


Anonymous said...

First let me preface this by saying I'm the parent of four kids. I come across parents every day like this.
Parents need to be PARENTS. NOT their kids' best friends. IMO when they learn that they and the kids--not to mention fellow adults--will all be better for it!
You want your kids to run around? Go to a playground!!

Kathy DeLisi said...

Let that mother have her attitude now, because she will be paying for it in 12-14 years when she has no control over their behavior. If you don't teach courtesy and discepline early, you'll reap what you sow.