Friday, September 17, 2010

Being A Bully Does Not Refer to Just Children

What is a bully? Well According to the American Heritage Dictionary a bully is:

1. A person who is habitually cruel or overbearing, especially to smaller or weaker people.
2. A hired ruffian; a thug.
3. A pimp.

A friend of mine lives in a condo complex of 5 units, all individually owned and owner occupied.  The problem, one of the owners believes she owns the entire place and dictates what is done there and how it is done.  She causes so much trouble it is questionable if there is an actual homeowners board to run the place. This bully makes unilateral decisions.  All but one owner are female.  The one male in the entire complex does not want to confront this individual for fear of being accused of abuse.  And who can blame him.   When confronted about her egregious behavior, she retaliates in a cowardly ways which makes the other owners lives miserable.

For example, driving into the common garage, a balcony drain dripped water on her car; her answer was to dump a bottle of water on that owner’s car parked in the garage.  One owner with west facing windows, remember it is summer in 
California,  this bully ordered the gardener to cut the shrubby below the windows removing any possible shade to that unit.  This same person held a visitors parking space “hostage” for three months by parking an unregistered car in the space.  Since then anyone using the guest spot may find their visitors car “keyed’
Gone are the days of taking care of the situation, political correctness has made it possible for this behavior to continue. As one police officer put it, “if we come out, someone will go to jail, but we cannot guarantee who”.

Reported today on ABC’s Good Morning America, a father was arrested for going onto a school bus and confronting some bullies who have been attacking his disabled daughter.  He wanted this to stop.  So he got to go to jail.  However it looks like authorities in Central Florida may, just may bring charges against the bus bullies.  The damage is done. His daughter will not go on the bus and is under a suicide watch.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

One has to ask, if the adult bully was a bully as a child and just continued with this horrible behavior in to adulthood. And where were the parents, did they condone the bad behavior or simply turn a blind eye? Gotta wonder.