The Stones, a great rock group and after all these years still on their game. The “stones” I am talking about are my kidney stones. Ouch!! Damn they hurt, and being used to being on my game until some years of medical maladies, these stones put me well off my current game.
I realized I have a warning the stones are coming. When for no reason my blood sugar elevates, meaning I am eating the right things, taking my meds etc., well when my blood sugar rises and lowers, watch out because I won’t be getting any satisfaction, just pain.
That was my life this past week. Crazy sugars, diabetes really is a terrible disease. They were all over the place, and then came the kidney twinge. Ouch again!! Oh no, here they come again. I have been getting kidney stones since I was about 25 so I knew what was coming. Last year one was so big the doctor had to go in to get it out after treatments to blast the stone failed.
So what was in store for this time? Would I pass it? Another visit to the hospital? Well out came the drinks, non carbonated ones. And the little boys’ room and I became close friends. For three days nothing but pain. OK so I used some meds to help me, but that is what they are for. Then in the middle of the night on Wednesday… well there came one of those stones, amen the pain would be gone.
But wait! The pain was not gone. Oh no another stone or two still in there. What causes my stones? Not really sure, could be what I eat, could be genetic. I think the kidney stone fairy just plants them there. My doc told me even my love of broccoli can cause them.
What is a kidney stone? According to the website the National Kidney and Urologic Diseases Clearinghouse:
Kidney stones may contain various combinations of chemicals. The most common type of stone contains calcium in combination with either oxalate or phosphate. These chemicals are part of a person’s normal diet and make up important parts of the body, such as bones and muscles.
A less common type of stone is caused by infection in the urinary tract. This type of stone is called a struvite or infection stone. Another type of stone, uric acid stones, are a bit less common, and cystine stones are rare.”
And they report if you get one… more may be on the way, as in my case. My doctor and I continue to try and figure out why and how to stop them. Ouch there is that twinge again. And the drinks kept coming, pouring so much liquid in me trying to force out that… oh wait. I will be right back.
I am back, and bang, gone, and no pain!!! I have survived another bout with the stones. Every time I do this however I feel like I am “Playing with Fire!!”
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