Wednesday, September 8, 2010

A Green Question and a Follow Up

It is a question I hear all too often, paper or plastic.  Thank God we still have a choice in the Police State known as California.  I hear about plastic hurting the earth in our dump sites.  Again our dump sites.  Well, I use those plastic bags to pick up after the dog, and by doing that, I do not have to buy more plastic bags.  But I digress, the question I have for all of the celebs out there demanding we do not use plastic bags because it is not green, the question I have is have you all stopped smoking and polluting the air I breath?  When you stop lighting up, come back and talk to me.  Second hand smoke is a killer period.

And now the follow up.   I recently wrote a blog On September 1st about my experience at a Starbucks and unruly kids.  Running into people and screaming and the mother said they are just kids what are they supposed to do?  Such an entitled mom.  Well I am not the only one who feels this way.  From WETC channel 6’s website:

CAROLINA BEACH, NC (WECT) - A restaurant in Carolina Beach is stirring up controversy over a couple of signs reading, "Screaming children will not be tolerated."
The owner of the Olde Salty restaurant, Brenda Armes, is tired of having her customers complain to her about children misbehaving and screaming when others are trying to enjoy a quiet meal.
Armes says the signs have worked.
"It has been a good thing for us," Armes said. "It has brought us in more customers than it has ever kept away."
Gary Gibson was dining at the restaurant for the first time and agrees with Armes.
"It's not very enjoyable when you hear a bunch of kids screaming. It's nice to see a sign like that up," Gibson said.
While many are for the rule, some families are against it.
"I've never seen a restaurant say, don't bring your screaming kids in here," said Ashley Heflin, who is a mom of two. "You can't help it if your kids scream."
Armes says that if a child is screaming, a restaurant employee will ask the parent to take them outside to calm down. They will not be asked to leave the restaurant for good.
"We want to attract the type of people that come in knowing they aren't going to have to sit behind a table with a bunch of screaming children," Armes said.”

Start a chain Brenda, I will be a loyal customer!!!!  And if I get to your neighborhood, I will stop by the Olde Salty, and thank you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bravo Vince!!! I totally agree. I brought up 2 children (now 25 and 21). I took them to restaurants from the time they were young...they were NOT allowed to misbehave or scream. The word is called "discipline". I used to get compliments from older couples, telling me what wonderfully behaved children I had, and it had been a delight dining near them.

To Ashley Heflin I say: you should be ashamed of yourself, if you allow your children to act out in public, what must life be like in private?

If more children knew what was expected of them, and received consequences for their outrageous behavior, the world might become a better place to live.