As of January 2011 no longer will grocery stores in the city of Los Angeles ask paper or plastic, and in July the same for the County of Los Angeles. This is supposed to help our environment. But will it really? Personally I do not think so. As of today I use those plastic bags in my trash cans as liners and when my dog deposits, I use them to clean up her little presents.
So what will I have to do? I guess I will have to BUY plastic bags to do the same thing. One way or another I need those plastic bags. OK so you say for the garbage cans use paper, the L.A. County law will have a surcharge for paper bags, and the bags I bring with me to the store, well reports say the lead content in them is hazardous to my health.
Once again, too much government. As I see it from my side of the street, the “green” concerns and businesses are just another way for people to make money. I have no problem with people making money; just do not force me to buy their ideas or products. I understand people have environmental concerns, however if a solution is being forced upon me, please make it something which makes sense. If me buying plastic bags and throwing them out is better than using bags provided by grocery stores, please educate me. Show me how this will help the environment. The only thing I see is it will help the makers of plastic bags and add to my grocery bill each week.
It is time not to be blinded by the green. Blinded by people who tell us we are ruining the environment and taking private jets to tell me this. We need to tell our elected officials to listen to the people. We need to tell our elected officials to research what they are proposing, and if they can answer my question, my simple question, how will buying more plastic which I use and reuse now, help the environment. I challenge any elected official to answer this.
1 comment:
Vince, I think you hit the nail on the head. Especially with the comment; "We need to tell the Elected officials to listen to the people." How the hell can we do this? they listen to us for 6 months before we vote them in and then they are not to be found again for 2, 4 or 6 years when they need us again. Small government is worse than large government.
It irks me that someone in a position managed to reach them, give them cash or line their pockets with connections so THEIR agenda was pushed. How do we, the people get our agenda pushed still remains the operative question. I'm with you mate. Cheers.
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