Here we go again, let us worry about the bottom feeders who prey on our children. Personally I am sick of this the coddling of convicted sex offenders. From the L.A. TIMES:
“California corrections officials this week stopped enforcing portions of Jessica's Law in Los Angeles County after a judge ruled that the 2006 statute restricting how close sex offenders can live to parks or schools is unconstitutional.
Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge Peter Espinoza concluded that the controversial measure left sex offenders in some areas with the choice of being homeless or going to jail because the law restricts them from living in large swaths of some cities such as Los Angeles.”
Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge Peter Espinoza concluded that the controversial measure left sex offenders in some areas with the choice of being homeless or going to jail because the law restricts them from living in large swaths of some cities such as Los Angeles.”
Give me a break! We have to worry about the rights of people who want to arrack our children!! I cannot believe there are no areas these “people” can find to live that is not more than 2 thousand feet away from schools, parks or play areas. These people lost the right to be near children when they were convicted of attacking young boys and girls.
If they have to go back to jail, who the hell cares. Oh they may find it a tough place to exist. Child molesters do n ot do well in general population. Even the most evil in the joint will not put up with this type of bottom feeder. We have to worry about the rights of these people? Again, they lost their rights when they attacked, molested, and murdered our children.
Let your elected representatives know about this, and do not stop until it is the rights of our young ones become of utmost importants. If you find out a sex offender moves into your neighborhood let your neighbors know. It is about time we speak out and protect children, and to hell with the sexual predators “rights”.
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