Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Post Election Thoughts,,,,and More

It is the “more” I am interested in.   The election is over so now let us see if we can get some representation for the people of this great country.  The far left and far right bore me.  Show me some cooperation newly elected, or get yourself booted out of office too.

Oh, and no more political ads to have to zip through on my Tivo.

Now to the important topics of the day.  Congratulations to the San Francisco Giants and all of their fans.  It was a long time coming.  See what happens when you move from New York.  For the entitled generation, yes they were the New York Giants first.  I am especially happy they were able to win the World Series without Barry Bonds.  In my years of covering sports he is near the top of the list of athletes who could not give a damn about the fans or the game.  I am glad he and his steroid laden body were not part of this celebration.

Next, something dear to me.  November is Diabetes month.  A time to get the word out how much we need a cure for this terrible disease.  I am putting my feet where my mouth is.  I will be walking in the American Diabetes Associations walk at Universal City on November 13th.  If you cannot join me in person, I am Team DeLisi, novel name right,  join me on line, and thank you to all who have joined me already, it is much appreciated.  Here is a link:

I hope to see you on the 13th.

Finally a sad post.  A dog in the neighborhood on Sunday got loose and attacked another dog. This is not the first time this dog has done this. Its owner collected his dog and took off.  I called his license plate in and lapd responded, even with a chopper... the animal police will not collect this dog because the owner secured him and they say no one saw the attack... just not true... The ASPCA needs to get involved.  This is not the dogs fault; it is the owner who showed no emotion or concern with the injured dog.  The attacked dog did survive thank God, and the owner of the animal who was loose has offered to pay half the vet bills.  That is a crock.  It is important for all of us to keep our dogs on a leash.  This dog has become lose and has attacked before.  Animal control needs to find out about this owner.  I am sure you have one just like this in your area.  Dogs have to be taught to be mean.  Owners such as this man need to lose the privilege of having a dog in his house.

1 comment:

Dave Williams said...

I think the days of political bipartisanship and cooperation are gone until the struggle for a basic nationalistic philosophy is fought and won by one side or the other. "Can't we all just get along?" is nice for Rodney King and kids in elementary school. The real world includes people who want to rob us, people who want to rule us and people who want to kill us. Pretending it ain't so won't make the boogey men go away.