Monday, November 29, 2010

Another Attempt By Egomaniacs to Destroy The United States

I really did not want to get into this, but I am mad, not angry, mad!!  These clowns at wikileaks have, in my humble opinion gone too far.  What good can come of any of this?  None of course except to serve the egos of these people who have obtained classified documents.  Every country has secret documents, but notice they just went after ours.

It appears to me they are just pushing the doomsday clock closer to midnight.  We are at war with a number of these countries, and need the help of others.  So they show our hand to everyone.  I am so tired of people trying to show what a terrible country the United States is.  During disasters we provide help and are criticized it is not enough.  We try and keep our country safe from terrorists, and are criticized for profiling, but are told it is fine to pat down a three year old.

I am beginning to really believe that we are fiddling while Rome is burning.  To those of the entitled generation who do not know what I am referencing, read some history. 

Now I know wikileaks is not made up of just Americans, but Americans are part of this group.

From Wikipedia:

The organization has described itself as having been founded by Chinese dissidents, as well as journalists, mathematicians, and start-up company technologists from the U.S., Taiwan, Europe, Australia, and South Africa.”

So I guess my question is what do we do?  I think we get very vocal about any organization who wants to destroy us.  And for those U.S. citizens involved, I have a question.  Is this treason?  I do not know the legal answer to the question, but I do know the moral answer.

During this season of love and peace, how do we educate the powers of wikileaks to stop their ego trip and think about the good of the world?  It may be an impossible task to think these egomaniacs even care about people.  I hope the release of these documents do not make a world on the brink even more explosive.


1 comment:

Chip said...

I'm with you today, my friend.