Monday, January 10, 2011

The Blame Game

I knew I would write about the terrible acts of violence this weekend.  There is so much to be said.  First and foremost, Jane Fonda is at it again.  You all remember Jane, the woman who supported Hanoi during the Vietnam War.  Now she has gone from Hanoi Jane to Blame Jane.  According to her tweets Sarah Palin and Glen Beck are responsible for the shootings in Tucson this past weekend.  I would say shame on you Jane, but why waste my time.

We, as a nation need to unite during this time of tragedy.  We need to pray for the victims of this senseless crime and for their families.  I pray for the full recovery of Gabrielle Giffords, and my heart goes out to the family of the 9 year old child, a victim of this senseless violence.  Shame on the sheriff who blames talk show hosts for causing this shooting.  He used the incident to further his political agenda.   I put him in the low life category.

As a nation we need to come together and support each others right to speak our minds.  I will not use the sheriff’s name or the name of the shooter; they have received enough attention from the American Public.  I will say no political party activity has been found yet as far as the shooter goes.

Shame on a former boss who “reports” the news saying “f” the governor of Arizona.  This is not reporting, and the use of the “f” word has no place in a journalistic piece.

Let us all as Americans act like the responsible people we should be.  I do not agree with some, but I will fight for their right to express their opinions, and I will fight for the right to continue to express mine.  Our political leaders need to grow up and stop playing the blame game as well, not in this incident but in the way they conduct themselves as representatives of  you and me.

As for this deviant who took the lives of many, injured more; throw away the key.  There is no doubt he did it.  He is innocent until proven guilty, but the eyewitness accounts and his assassination plan found in his belongings say it all.

We must all fight to stop the needless violence which has become prevalent in our country.  And we need it to stop now.


Anonymous said...

Bravo on this one Vince. I'm weary of the blame game myself.
When people realize the suspect and Mark David Chapman have a lot in common maybe this nuisance will end.

Anonymous said...

Well said Vince. As far as politicians, we are the fools. We elect them and continue to do so after they ignore our wants. We must hold them accountable, either follow what we suggest or hit the road in the next election. That power is in our hands.

And Anonymous, that common link is; Antisocial Personality Disorder.

Anonymous said...

This fellow killed a Republican Federal Judge. Why does the left automatically think he was targeting the Democrat congresswoman?