Sitting in the hospital for ten days made a lot go into my head, very little went out. I was glad to get out of Cedars on Wednesday so Charlie Sheen could have my bed early Thursday morning. Amazing how ABC News makes this a huge news story. Charlie kicks their butt every Monday night, and they would love him to go away. In limited contact with the Sheen family, all I can say is they were good to me. My son did a movie with dad Martin, and Charlie and I met at the Charlie Sheen Room at a sports restaurant in New York City. Martin remembered my son years later and Charlie very gracious doing an interview when he had nothing to promote. My best to Charlie.
25 years ago was the explosion of the Challenger. I remember it well being at the news desk at WTAE in Pittsburgh, I was reminded how I was looking to buy a new TV in downtown Pittsburgh when the incident happened, an eerie quiet throughout the story and I was off to work. The same memories of Three Mile Island, looking for a TV when my station broke in with a special report, I was at WTPA (now WHTM) post haste.
To the Los Angeles School police officer who staged his shooting and kept thousands of kids locked down for hours, they cannot throw the key far enough away. They need to teach this joker a lesson.
My hats off to Fresh and Easy food stores for introducing no sugar added products. As a diabetic I thank you. It would be nice to see other food stores jump on this band wagon. Fresh and Easy also keeps the price down, so diabetics are not charged more because they have a disease and must limit sugar.
Finally today, my tongue is in my cheek, thanks to all of the law makers who shoved this healthcare bill into law. It was suppose to save me money. Due to my disability I was put on Medicare. So now my insurance premium is 270 more than I was paying for private insurance and my drug co-pays are now 47 dollars as oppose to 25 with my private insurance. Thank goodness for the pharmacy at Ralphs Grocery store who allow me not to pay7 dollars for a generic, but 10 bucks for three months. Now that’s a savings!!
1 comment:
Great post, Vince. Glad to hear you're back on the prowl.
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