Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Who Wins? Vince DeLisi Asks Now What Do I Really Think

It is the question everyone seems to be asking after President Obama announced a compromise on keeping tax rates right where they are.  It was a true compromise; I know that because the democrats are criticizing the President.  After Obama won the election he told the Republicans, “we won”.  For two years the Democrats got their way, and in November the voting public spoke.  The “we won” approach did not work.

The American people won with the announcement of compromise.  Tax rates stay where they are.  This was never a tax cut proposal it was a tax increase suggested by the President, and the America n public would not buy it this time around.  The Republicans had to give in on unemployment extensions.  Those extensions are something we can all understand, who wants to go into the holiday season knowing there is no hope at the end of the tunnel.

So some of the Democrat leaders are publicly criticizing the President.  They want to take their ball and go home.  This time, Obama said all of the right things, thinking about you and me.  OK so he wants to try and win some of his support back.  I cannot criticize him for that; he is a politician going down for the third time, and wants to live to fight another day.

Some on the right say why compromise, we won.  That is exactly what brought down the left in this past election.  Sure it did not happen in California, but California may just be a lost cause.  Without compromise there is no chance our country can survive and stay the power we have been throughout history.  So for the millionaires and billionaires in the country who think tax rates should have gone up, again I say, if you really believe this pay more than your tax return shows you owe, and stop hiding under tax shelters.  It is interesting financial pundits are prediction job growth, since those with money can reinvest in their businesses and create more jobs.

Compromise has always been the answer.  I personally think the government is too involved in my life, but it is my opinion.  I also believe in majority rules.  Until our elected officials realize they have to represent you and me, and not use their office to see what perks they can get, our system is in trouble.

Hopefully this is the first step in getting both the left and right together and meet somewhere in the middle.  At times is will be middle left or middle right, but the will of the American people must be heard and followed.  That is what has made the U.S. the best country in the world, and we are blessed to be here.  Let us keep it that way.

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