I understand the President is a sports fan, so am I. Was it necessary for him to call the Philadelphia Eagles and congratulate the team for giving Michael Vick a second chance? Vick is nothing more than a thug who destroyed dogs for his pleasure. It is easy to say I am sorry and go on with ones multimillion dollar lifestyle. I am sure there are other convicted felons who would love to get a second chance and get the President’s support.
Is is just me or are there other things a president who wants to get his approval rating up should be doing. One thing he can do is tell us why gas prices have raised so much. I guess it does not make any difference who is in the White House. Big oil just pours money into their campaigns and coffers and is protected from any sort of investigation. Fact: BP’s donations went to Obama. He got more than any other Politian. So why are we not hearing the cries of Big Oil in the White House as we have in the past. I personally do not see much of a difference between the Bush and Obama administration to the treatment of the oil companies. The only difference no criticism from his party. The other part very quiet too.
Now for something very important!!! Are the New York Yankees trying to alienate their fans? I think yes. According to the YES television network, owned by the afore mentioned Yankees, (phrase stolen from Michael Kaye… a great guy) they are thinking about bringing Manny Ramirez to the Bronx. WHY? He came to the Dodgers, and played like the old Manny, only if he felt like it. I felt so sorry for Joe Torre having to deal with his attitude and his use of performance enhancing drugs. Manny is nothing more than an overgrown child who wants to do things his way only!!!! The Mannywood promotions by the Dodgers really did not work; Manny took his money and ran. So now the Yankees are thinking of bringing this cancer to New York. Hey if you feel like you need a bat bring Johnny Damon back. I have been a Yankee fan all of my life during the good and bad times but the Steinbrenner child led Yankees are turning me off. They finally got it right with Jeter but learned nothing from the fiasco, and the way it was handled.
If the Yankees do bring Manny in they better put a rest room in the outfield, he needs to take “bathroom” breaks duing games. Once again the Boss is turning in his grave.
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