Tuesday, December 28, 2010

I Am So Confused!!!

I understand the President is a sports fan, so am I.  Was it necessary for him to call the Philadelphia Eagles and congratulate the team for giving Michael Vick a second chance?  Vick is nothing more than a thug who destroyed dogs for his pleasure.  It is easy to say I am sorry and go on with ones multimillion dollar lifestyle.  I am sure there are other convicted felons who would love to get a second chance and get the President’s support.

Is is just me or are there other things a president who wants to get his approval rating up should be doing.  One thing he can do is tell us why gas prices have raised so much.  I guess it does not make any difference who is in the White House.  Big oil just pours money into their campaigns and coffers and is protected from any sort of investigation.  Fact: BP’s donations went to Obama.  He got more than any other Politian.  So why are we not hearing the cries of Big Oil in the White House as we have in the past.  I personally do not see much of a difference between the Bush and Obama administration to the treatment of the oil companies.  The only difference no criticism from his party.  The other part very quiet too.

Now for something very important!!!  Are the New York Yankees trying to alienate their fans?   I think yes.  According to the YES television network, owned by the afore mentioned Yankees, (phrase stolen from Michael Kaye… a great guy) they are thinking about bringing Manny Ramirez to the Bronx.    WHY?  He came to the Dodgers, and played like the old Manny, only if he felt like it.  I felt so sorry for Joe Torre having to deal with his attitude and his use of performance enhancing drugs.  Manny is nothing more than an overgrown child who wants to do things his way only!!!!  The Mannywood promotions by the Dodgers really did not work; Manny took his money and ran.  So now the Yankees are thinking of bringing this cancer to New York.  Hey if you feel like you need a bat bring Johnny Damon back.  I have been a Yankee fan all of my life during the good and bad times but the Steinbrenner child led Yankees are turning me off.  They finally got it right with Jeter but learned nothing from the fiasco, and the way it was handled. 

If the Yankees do bring Manny in they better put a rest room in the outfield, he needs to take “bathroom” breaks duing games.  Once again the Boss is turning in his grave.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


We are always getting spin.  Things to make one look good.  Today we get spin from the media, on how President Obama is ending the year on a win streak, but is he?  He is smiling as he signs the DADT bill.  Is it a win?  There are already plans to stop the implementation of the bill.  Another item pointed out, any military person who said they were not gay and now say they are will be discharged for lying on their paperwork.

The media keeps on pointing out the tax cut compromise.  It is not a tax cut as I have mentioned many times, it is keeping taxes right where they are.

Obama care.  Some courts are already saying the federal government has no legal right to force citizens to purchase a anything from the private sector, not cars, not food, not health insurance.

Senator Arlen Specter, voted out of office was a Republican then Democrat is complaining about how his loss was nothing more than political catabolism.   Spin, spin, and more spin.  So tired of people feeling the need to spin a loss into a win.  The only losers will be the taxpayer who in the end gets hit in their pocketbook. 

So stop trying to push through laws so you can go on Christmas vacation.  Some are going to Hawaii, I can afford this year a porch view vaca.  Wait until the new year and the new congress people and senators voters have asked to lead this country.

It is time for our leaders to grow up, or accept the coal from Santa they deserve.

Like most people I am going to take a little time for myself, so I will see you all on Monday.  It is my sincere wish that all have a wonderful Christmas.  Enjoy your gifts, your parties and your families.  The bottom line, without family we have nothing.  Without memories and traditions we have less.

So everyone enjoy, sing and smile, show lots of love, which will be the best gift of all.


Monday, December 20, 2010

Ask Not What Your Country Can Do For You…

Ask What You Can Do For Your Country.   A quote from JFK, I wonder if this is even taught in schools any longer.  Why is it I read every day about how the U.S.A. should be doing for them?  I understand people are hurting, and the government is giving help.
When I hear over and over how we should help illegal’s, whether it is the Dream Act, or amnesty, I keep on remembering the great quote by President Kennedy.  An interesting point to be made, if JFK were alive today, the Harry Reid’s and Nancy Pelosi’s would be condemning him for not being a true Democrat.

Stop telling me if I give you my hard earned money you will eventually do for me.  My grandparents came to this country, and did it the legal way and became proud American citizens.  I welcome anyone from any country who goes about it the same way my relatives did.  But for people to sneak in and then demand welfare and education please enough. 

I have worked for everything I have, or do not have, and I am very proud to say that.  I have no problem helping people with donations, but I will decide where and to whom my generosity goes.  I do not want my government telling me they want some of my money to give to people who are not in this country legally.  They want to do this, and push them through to be American citizens, so they can have their votes and these politicians can remain on the taxpayer’s dime.  I am convinced they do not give a damn about them as people, but only as a way to keep their jobs forever.  I encourage all of us to help people who need it, but let us decide who the recipient is, and how much we can afford to help.  Do not try and raise my taxes to help people who should not be here in the first place.

On to another topic, I see the Soviet Union is warning the United States Senate not to amend the arms treaty between the two countries.  They warn us?  Last time I looked it is the Senates job to make sure this is good for the UNITED STATES!!   Who is the Soviet Union to issue such a warning?  Let us see what our leaders do to make sure our country remains protected period.

Finally today, Kobe Bryant what are you thinking?  Or not thinking I guess, Bryant who has had problems getting endorsements since his trial for rape in Colorado, has endorsed Turkish Airlines, which has upset his Armenian fans in the Los Angeles area.  The Armenians and Turks are at odds over the Turks refusal to admit the slaughter of more than a million Armenians in the early 1900’s.

Whoever is advising Kobe should be fired.  He does not need the money from this endorsement and all he has done is alienate his fan base.  Selling hotdogs or cars one thing, but becoming involved in a political debate is something else.  I am sure Kobe did not want to offend anyone, but please Kobe surround yourself with intelligent knowledgeable people who will not ruin the love of your Laker fans.  In L.A. fans want to cheer three-peat, they do not want to bring politics into the Staple Center.

Friday, December 17, 2010

A Win For The Voters

When Nevada Senator Harry Reid pulled the omnibus bill it was a win for American voters.  This 1900 page bill which no one really read had so much pork in it, those up for re election remembering what happened this past November got the message.  The majority of American’s are just sick and tired of this type of spending, for maple syrup and peanut research.  We do need to fund the military but who do we  have to include these earmarks to get it done, it is evident the American people will no longer stand for this as shown in this past election.  Good for us!!

The President signed the tax bill.  A compromise bill which will keep tax rates right where they are.  This was not a tax cut bill, but one which would have raised our taxes if it was not passed.  Both sides of the isle are not happy with this bill, so there must be some good in it.  My only question, why just a two year deal?  Maybe our newly elected officials can do something about this when they take over in January.  I always advocate compromise, it is what will keep this country going, and along with compromise maybe our elected officials will start listening to the majority of America.  I really feel that Senator Harry Reid, and Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi are feeling their egos have been hurt, so what!!!  These people are supposed to represent the ideals of their constituents, they are not in there to make sure they can get as many perks for themselves as possible.

On the health front, no nothing on Obama Care here, but some interesting news for diabetics, if you eat almonds you are helping yourself.  Almonds can help reduce blood sugar levels, and lower the bad cholesterol which is so dangerous, especial for people with coronary artery disease.

There is another study out this week.  People exposed to second hand smoke, have a greater risk of becoming insulin resistant therefore a higher risk for developing type 2 diabetes.  Both of my parents were heavy smokers, this can answer some questions for me.

So are you ready for Christmas?  I actually went into a mall last night, they only place which was crowded was pictures with Santa, methinks it is so much easier to shop on line and do without crowds.  The most interesting aspect of pictures with Santa last night, the number of people in line not with their kids are grandkids, but with their dogs!!!  I met a number of puppies last night (I call all dogs puppies) and was amazed how well behaved they were.  A good lesson for moms and dads on how their children should behave!!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Already The 15th, Do You Feel The Holiday Spirit Yet?

I am feeling it because as I sit and write I am listening to Christmas Music, everything from Dean Martin to Jessica Simpson, and it is getting me there.  So many traditions from the past are being replaced by new ones.  Last Christmas I saw A Christmas Story for the first time.  Never realized it was written by Jean Shepherd.   Never wanted to watch it until I learned that, but now thanks to cable television I can watch it over and over again for 24 hours.  This tradition does remind me of the past though, I use to sneak my transistor radio under my pillow and listen to Shepherds live show from Greenwich Village on Friday nights on WOR Radio in New York City.

One of my traditions which I began when I moved to Los Angeles seven years ago has been cancelled for this year.  The Department of Water and Power had a great light show in Griffith Park.  They cancelled it this year because of a water project at the park.  Great planning!! 

I use to love to go to Midnight Mass back east, and I found a church out in Los Angeles to enjoy it.  The music is great, people are in good cheer, and Midnight Mass begins at 10 p.m.  Only in Los Angeles I guess!!

I recently moved into a new neighborhood and the Christmas decorations are top notch.  It makes for a great evening walk.  This also reminds me of an old tradition, first as a child when I would go with my parents to check out the lights in the Bronx, New York, then with my kids in Camp Hill, Pennsylvania, and Pittsburgh, PA. There was nothing that brought more joy than seeing the eyes of my kids reveling at each decorated house.  I even got to take my granddaughter one Christmas season to see the Griffith Park lights.
Hopefully this is the time of the year when we can put aside the negative and dwell on the positive.  There is so much for all of us to be grateful for.  My last blog was not very positive, and friends pointed out so many of the positive parts of my life.  I thank them for this.  It is very easy to go to the dark side, but is much easier to kick the dark side to the curb, just like it is easier to smile than frown.

So, take some time to listen to Christmas Music, watch little ones as they talk with Santa, take in the decorations.  As for a White Christmas, for those of you who cannot wait, good for you, and for those like myself who would rather watch it, open your hearts and let the love and joy of this season become a part of you.  And make sure you do not shoot your eye out.  If you do not understand… watch A Christmas Story!!!!

Monday, December 13, 2010

A Tough Monday

How many of us say this at the beginning of every work week?  As I sit in front of my computer, I realize what a tough Monday this is for me, and it has nothing to do with work.  It has to do with life, emotions, health, and family.

I am experiencing a TIA today.  Bottom line, it is a minor stroke.  I have had these before and they go away usually quickly.  Today’s is hanging around a bit too long for my comfort.  Why has this happened?  I do not think the doctors will ever be able to tell me why.  I know stress is part of it.  When I get this way, the stress part, it is because I start thinking too much about what I miss.  I will spend another Christmas without my mom and dad.  The Christmas-New Year season was always one of so much fun, love, spirit, and it is not the same without them.

I cannot just ignore the past, but when I remember I start behaving badly.  I take out my frustrations on people close to me, and  people who are close to me are forced to pull away.  I have no answer.  These thoughts affect everything in my body.  My blood sugar this morning 375, not the 70-100 it should be.  My speech is impaired, and for someone who uses his voice to make a living, this is very tough to deal with.  Of course without my mouth I do not cause problems with my mouth.

Is the answer for me to isolate, be by myself until all passes?  I always hope not, but it looks like that is where I am heading.  Some people can forgive my less than gentlemanly actions, others never will.  To all of the people out there, I do have a special place in my heart for all of you, whether you forgive me or not. 

So for now, I will get in my car at night, and look at all of the Christmas lights in my neighborhood, and imagine the laughter and merry times being had by those inside.  During the daytime hours, I can see the pride of those who put the decorations up as they admire them.

I am not sure this blog will help anyone but me today, but writing is good, sometimes sharing is as well.   I know this  will not entertain, but I thank anyone who reads it, and helps me vent just a bit.  The holiday season is supposed to be filled with love and happiness, and that is what I wish for all.

Friday, December 10, 2010

‘Tis The Season

Fa la la la la… etc.  Here I am deep into the holiday season and all of a sudden screech.  A big stop.  I got my flu shot, wash my hands too many times a day, and tried to stay away from large crowds, but I guess I zigged when I should have zagged and bang I have the flu.  Went to see my doctor right away and she gave me some pills, I sure hope they work quickly!!!!  It is not just the flu; it is how my diabetes is affected.  This morning my blood sugar was 375, not close to the 70-100 it should be, so I put more insulin in my body in hopes of getting it down.  It is not working well.  The stress on my body with the flu affects not only my blood sugars but my kidneys, and my coronary artery disease.  I Cannot eat because my body rejects it.  I try to keep the liquids flowing.  The rest room and I have become very close friends.

I also have little or no patience.  Less than usual.  That never works out well for me.  So let me see, I now have to put off my Christmas Shopping, jam it all in with all of the crowds I have been trying to avoid!  Deal with shoppers who have little or no patients as well.  Boy happy hour sure sounds like a good thing to me.

While I have little or no patience let me get some things off my chest.  Why do journalists, or alleged journalists, feel it is important to make personal attacks on people who do not agree with them.  Attack their politics, or their leanings, but stop with all of the personal attacks.  Nothing makes me grab the remote control and change the channel quicker that personal attacks.

Today is Real Estate tax day in California.  Why do the entitled generation feel they should use the tax money gathered for free education, also why do the illegal’s feel they should get a free ride as well.  Most of the people footing the bill do not even have kids.  I worked two jobs while I was in college, took out loans, PAID THEM BACK, and I do not understand why the entitled generation feels they should be any different.

OK got that off my chest, and I am happy the New York Yankees finally signed Derek Jeter.  They went about it all wrong, but it is done now, and how about the Red Sox trying to buy the A.L. East, something they have for years criticized the Yankees for.  I think I have it all out of my system now.

So ‘tis the season…..   fa la la la la la.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Who Wins? Vince DeLisi Asks Now What Do I Really Think

It is the question everyone seems to be asking after President Obama announced a compromise on keeping tax rates right where they are.  It was a true compromise; I know that because the democrats are criticizing the President.  After Obama won the election he told the Republicans, “we won”.  For two years the Democrats got their way, and in November the voting public spoke.  The “we won” approach did not work.

The American people won with the announcement of compromise.  Tax rates stay where they are.  This was never a tax cut proposal it was a tax increase suggested by the President, and the America n public would not buy it this time around.  The Republicans had to give in on unemployment extensions.  Those extensions are something we can all understand, who wants to go into the holiday season knowing there is no hope at the end of the tunnel.

So some of the Democrat leaders are publicly criticizing the President.  They want to take their ball and go home.  This time, Obama said all of the right things, thinking about you and me.  OK so he wants to try and win some of his support back.  I cannot criticize him for that; he is a politician going down for the third time, and wants to live to fight another day.

Some on the right say why compromise, we won.  That is exactly what brought down the left in this past election.  Sure it did not happen in California, but California may just be a lost cause.  Without compromise there is no chance our country can survive and stay the power we have been throughout history.  So for the millionaires and billionaires in the country who think tax rates should have gone up, again I say, if you really believe this pay more than your tax return shows you owe, and stop hiding under tax shelters.  It is interesting financial pundits are prediction job growth, since those with money can reinvest in their businesses and create more jobs.

Compromise has always been the answer.  I personally think the government is too involved in my life, but it is my opinion.  I also believe in majority rules.  Until our elected officials realize they have to represent you and me, and not use their office to see what perks they can get, our system is in trouble.

Hopefully this is the first step in getting both the left and right together and meet somewhere in the middle.  At times is will be middle left or middle right, but the will of the American people must be heard and followed.  That is what has made the U.S. the best country in the world, and we are blessed to be here.  Let us keep it that way.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Let’s Thank A Vet Vince DeLisi Asks Now What Do I Really Think

December 7, 1941 the day Pearl Harbor was attacked by the Japanese, a day just like 9-11 we should never forget.  I know many veterans from WWII are no longer with us and it is easy to forget them and this day, but we should not.  My dad, uncles, and my mother were all in the service for the Second World War.

Yes mom was a rebel in her times.  After high school she went on to business school, and decided to enlist in the army.  This was not something respected in the 40’s, but she felt the need to serve her country and did.  She also met my dad at the end of the war in Miami.  My dad was unhurt during the war; my uncles received purple hearts while fighting the enemy.  One of my uncles, my Uncle Eddie got his purple heart being injured in the Battle of the Bulge.

My mom, dad, and uncles, all Sicilian Americans, first generation Americans, and felt it their responsibility to serve their country.  Thank God for their desire to keep our county safe and free.  If it was not for that generation, I doubt if our entitled generation would be around today to complain about what a terrible country the United States is. 

After the war the United States helped rebuild a shattered world with financial  and moral support, something to this day the USA continues when disaster strikes another country.   I have not been in school for quite some time, but I wonder how much is taught about the history of our countries involvement in WWI, WWII, the Korean Conflict, and Viet Nam, and how much of the teaching is fact and how much is the bias of the teacher in the classroom.

If you have any relatives who are still here, and were involved in any conflict, learn history from them, and while you are at it give them a hug and thank them for keeping us free, and thank any veteran or serviceman and woman currently fighting against the terrorist around the world trying with all of their might to destroy the best country in the world.  The United States has been blessed having citizens protecting our freedom throughout our history.  Let us all remember the phrase and say it daily NEVER AGAIN.  Let us not allow our enemies destroy this country from within.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Some Updates From The Medical World To The World Of Sports

On November 13th I took part in my first Diabetes Walk.  This was the first of I hope many.  Four thousand walkers raised more than 300 thousand dollars for research to find a cure for diabetes.  All of the teams are collecting money until December 8th.  Today we lost another to diabetes and its complications.  Former Chicago Cubs player and Ron Santo passed he was 70.  He was diagnosed with diabetes when he was 18, eventually losing both legs.  My prayers are out to Ron and his family.  We all need to get the word out, diabetes kills, and I cannot say this enough.  Within ten years one of three of us will be diabetic.  Please help in this fight

They are still calling it votes on tax cuts.  Harry Reid plans to hold votes on Saturday among democrats.  This is not a tax cut vote.  It is to keep tax rates where they are.  If the rates are not held, this will be a tax INCREASE.   Do not let those sitting on Capitol Hill and the media fool you into thinking they are voting for tax cuts.  They are voting to keep the tax rate the same or raise it and take more out of your pockets.  If you feel the need for an increase in taxes, may I suggest you write an addition check to the treasury, and do not force those who are barely making it to pay more.  I suggest you call your representatives and tell them how you feel.

Finally are the New York Yankees doing something right?  Reports out of the Bronx say closer Mariano Rivera and the Yankees have agreed to a two year deal for the 41 year old closer.  As a Yankee fan I am happy to see this, but Hal Steinbrenner get your head out of your… ahem.. and sign your captain Derek Jeter to a new con tract.  He deserves much more respect than you have given him, and like so many other Yankee fans, I will be rooting for the team Jeter is playing for this upcoming season.

Now go out there and try and celebrate the holidays!!!!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Some More Random Thoughts

It is a great P.R. phrase.  We hear there will be a vote on tax cuts on Thursday.  Everyone likes to hear about tax cuts.   I cannot think of anyone who likes to pay more taxes.  The only problem, these are not new cuts they are keeping the tax rate where it is.  Most of the media has fallen into this phrase trap.  So when the current tax rates are continued, the administration will take credit in giving us a tax cut.  Nothing can be further from the truth.  It was the Bush administration which put these rates into effect, but will he be blamed for this?

And the Bill Gates and Warren Buffets of the world who think the rich should pay more, I say get some of the money you have hidden and write a check to the U.S. Treasury.   It will be cashed and the government will thank you.  So will I.

I am happy to see both sides of the isle disgusted with Wikileaks.  I am also very happy to hear the word treason being bandied about.  As I mentioned in a previous blog, I do not know the legal definition, but I do know morally it is treason.  Let us go after the S.O.B.’S who get their jollies from causing worldwide havoc.

Today, December 1st is World Aids day.  Starbucks tweeted me and text me saying 5 cents of every sold beverage will go to aids research.  I think this is a good thing.  But to Starbucks, and all of the other companies who are giving money to aids research, please think about doing the same on world diabetes day.  That day came and past without any donations from companies.  It is projected that within ten years one in three of us will suffer from this debilitating disease.  I have it and do not want you to suffer from it.  It has changed my life in a negative way.  A way in which I must fight every day for my good heath.

And finally today to my sports hat.  What is the NFL doing?  In their personal vendetta against the Steelers James Harrison they are looking very bad.  Hard hits do not merit a weekly 25 thousand dollar fine.  Harrison is a tough player, just like so many others in the past.  Equating hard play with thrown punches is not the way to go.  The NFL may just as well be known as the national flag league.  Not the way to go guys!