Monday, November 29, 2010

Another Attempt By Egomaniacs to Destroy The United States

I really did not want to get into this, but I am mad, not angry, mad!!  These clowns at wikileaks have, in my humble opinion gone too far.  What good can come of any of this?  None of course except to serve the egos of these people who have obtained classified documents.  Every country has secret documents, but notice they just went after ours.

It appears to me they are just pushing the doomsday clock closer to midnight.  We are at war with a number of these countries, and need the help of others.  So they show our hand to everyone.  I am so tired of people trying to show what a terrible country the United States is.  During disasters we provide help and are criticized it is not enough.  We try and keep our country safe from terrorists, and are criticized for profiling, but are told it is fine to pat down a three year old.

I am beginning to really believe that we are fiddling while Rome is burning.  To those of the entitled generation who do not know what I am referencing, read some history. 

Now I know wikileaks is not made up of just Americans, but Americans are part of this group.

From Wikipedia:

The organization has described itself as having been founded by Chinese dissidents, as well as journalists, mathematicians, and start-up company technologists from the U.S., Taiwan, Europe, Australia, and South Africa.”

So I guess my question is what do we do?  I think we get very vocal about any organization who wants to destroy us.  And for those U.S. citizens involved, I have a question.  Is this treason?  I do not know the legal answer to the question, but I do know the moral answer.

During this season of love and peace, how do we educate the powers of wikileaks to stop their ego trip and think about the good of the world?  It may be an impossible task to think these egomaniacs even care about people.  I hope the release of these documents do not make a world on the brink even more explosive.


Friday, November 26, 2010

Random Thoughts On A Black Friday

Hope everyone had enough turkey yesterday.  Of course now is the day for those leftover sandwiches  mmmmm good.   For those of you who went shopping yesterday, shame on you.  It was a day to spend with family and loved ones.  For those who stayed up all night or waited on line for days to get the deal of a lifetime I ask why?  Is it worth all of your time, effort and battles at the store?   No thanks!!  Period.

As for my food consumption and blood sugar on Thanksgiving, I am happy with it.  My blood sugar did not rise too much, and thank goodness for my medicine Byetta.  I am missing a gene which would tell me I am full.  Byetta helps lower the blood sugar, and tells me I am full.  It really helps regulate my portion control.  It is a medicine worth check out for diabetics, as our search continues.

Sports are still bouncing around in my head.  The New York Yankees PR disaster with the way they are handling Derek Jeter is embarrassing, but how about the way they are handling the Mariano Rivera free agency.  Mo is asking for a three million dollar a year raise for two years.  The Yankees would like him to sign a one year deal.  Note to Brian Cashman: if you go the Jeter route and tell him to test the market, he will be a goner, and so will you.  Interesting, I have been told by many Yankee fans, they will follow Jeter wherever he goes and root for his new team.

The TSA situation was very quiet for the most part.  In Los Angeles a tale of two extremes.  One woman wore a bulky sweater.  Of course she was trying to hide something under the sweater.  The woman said the TSA made her feel like a criminal.  Oh ladies, do not wear an underwire bra or you will be checked out for sure.  Come on TSA how about using some intelligence in the way you inspect people.  Are some of you on a power trip?  The answer is yes, and the shorter the inspector the more power they seem to need.  They have that in common with the LAPD.

My favorite story in L.A. though was the woman who wore a bikini to the airport.  She said if they want to check her out, take a good long look!!!   Hope your holiday weekend is a good one!!!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Take It or Leave It

It is time to get my sports hat out once again.  Anyone who knows me knows I bleed Yankee pinstripes, but if this continues I may want a transfusion.  I am talking about what the New York Yankees are doing to their captain Derek Jeter.  OK the offer is 45 million over three years.  My problem is the take it or leave it attitude they have.

Jeter has been a good soldier and captain for the Yankee team. Saying and doing the right thing on and off the field.   The least they need to do during this contract non negotiation is respect him.  Yankees GM Brian Cashman, nothing more in my opinion than a butt kisser to his new boss, should sit Hal Steinbrenner down and tell this man Jeter is the Yankees.  Jeter, Mariano Rivera, Andy Pettitte, all deserve respect.

Derek Jeter is getting none.  This could have been predicted the way Hal treated Joe Torre.   Take it or leave it Joe.  Joe decided to leave it and he was gone to manage the Dodgers, taking them to the playoffs. The real Boss, George, really did not know what was going on.  His heath made it impossible for him to run the team.  Hal has turned the Yankee family into nothing more than a business.  Boss George would spend lots of money on the Yanks, his OWN money.  Sure he was criticized, but other team owners were pocketing the tax money they were getting from the Boss and not reinvesting in their team.

I would hate to see Jeter in any other uniform, but Cashman told him to see if someone will pay him more.  OK call his bluff.  Go out there and see if others in Major League Baseball will give you the respect you deserve.  Derek Jeter has done so much more than play baseball.  He has entertained millions with the way he goes all out all of the team.  If you want a role model for your kids, who better than Derek Jeter?  Hal and his Yankees brass should wake up; see what the Boss did for his players, former players and the community known as the Yankee Universe.

Now is the time for all Yankee fans to let Hal and company know how they feel.  I feel betrayed.  It started with Torre and is continuing with the post season negotiations.  Who knows, maybe the next Dodger owner could woo me to their side.  At this point, the way things are going it would not take much.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Why is This Political?

Let me start this blog saying there are three things on my mind today.  The first about politics or why is there politics.  I do not watch reality television.    I know I am in the minority but if I want mindless television I will watch the WWE.  Different strokes.  I also do not like reality television because it takes jobs away from writers and actors and the crews who make T.V.  I know too many people who have lost their jobs because it is cheaper to produce the shows.
The question I have is why are we reading about all of the “controversy” concerning  “Dancing With The Stars,” and will Bristol Palin win or lose.  I have not watched any of the episodes, but of the remaining three, I know Jennifer Grey is the most talented dancer.  She is also one of my favorite all time interviews.  But why has this become political?  Why are the left calling the voting a “tea party conspiracy”?  Grow up people.  These are reality show junkies who love to vote for their favorite.  Check the statistics of pervious shows, the best do not always win.  Is there a conspiracy in every reality show?  The only winner here is ABC and all of the free publicity!  Spend your time worrying about something worth your time and effort.

Second, the entire TSA debacle.  At first I did not see the problem.  You want to check me feel free.  Evidently the TSA agents are feeling too freely.  Whoops I probably will be part of a “don’t fly list” for that.  Some of the stories coming out are damn right scary.  Can big brother be far behind?  How bout some leadership from our leaders on this.  Air Israel seems to avoid the pat downs and still can weed out terrorists.  Ok they must profile.  I say go for it.  This from someone close to me who tried to fly out of Memphis:

At the Memphis airport, I had a pat down, a full body screening, had to take all clothes off except jeans and camisole top . .and it was COLD! Had to stand with my arms up in the air up 
over my head during this and again with legs spread wide for 15 seconds during the x-ray screening and had my things and my ticket taken away from me. The whole time I had about 5 police officers surrounding me. . . because my middle name was on my license and not on my ticket.

Great way to find a terrorist, by not having ones’ middle name on a ticket.  Oh, is that not a form of profiling?

Finally, I have to admit I miss covering sports on a daily basis, so some observations from an NFL Sunday.  Brett Favre has outlived his greatness.  Too bad he will not be remembered for a brilliant career.  He will be one more athlete who tried to hang on too long.  It was not a good day at all fo the Manning clan.  Peyton lost that game winning drive magic touch with an interception, and Eli lost the keys to NYC.

For this week, give those keys to Mark Sanchez of the New York Jets.  It all looked like it was over for the Jets when Sanchez led his team to a win in the final seconds.  Welcome to the new order.

Friday, November 19, 2010

The Time of the Year for Blues

We are less than a week away from the start of the “holiday season”.  I know, I know, stores already are decked out in their Christmas garb.  Some are even having “Black Friday” sales today.  For traditionalists like me, Thanksgiving will start the festivities and when Santa arrives at the end of New York’s Macys’ Thanksgiving Day Parade, let the Christmas music begin.

I fondly remember watching the parade with my mom and dad.  Mom was one of eleven, and Thanksgiving was spent with her side of the family at my uncle’s Inn in Connecticut.  My aunts and uncles, and my cousins all gathered for one heck of a party.   I knew Christmas was not far away.  Have times changed.

My holiday time with my kids had lots of celebrations, including my best Christmas gift ever, December 23rd, 1974.  The birth of my son!  So the holidays were a very festive time in the Vince DeLisi home.

Fast forward to 2010.  2009 was so terrible I chose not to talk about it.  2010 is going to be a time I will share about.  It will begin with dinner for one on Thanksgiving.  That is just the way it is going to be.  It is OK.  I have many wonderful loving people in my life, and my health, while I still have my challengers, it is so much better than 2009.  There are many like me who will be alone, and while it will be a bit sad, I am happy for so many blessings.  There are many who will be alone who will not be able to say they are happy.  The holiday season is one of loneliness and depression for many.  In this year where we feel let down by our leaders, family or friends, this can be more than some people can handle.

A suggestion, if you have elderly neighbors or friends who are alone, greet them with smiles and hugs.  It will make their year.  If you have family who will be alone, an extra call will keep them smiling for days.  Share your Christmas spirit with as many as you can.  It will keeps you feeling warm and loved well into 2011.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Once Again Politicians Blinded By The Green

As of January 2011 no longer will grocery stores in the city of Los Angeles ask paper or plastic, and in July the same for the County of Los Angeles.  This is supposed to help our environment.  But will it really?  Personally I do not think so.  As of today I use those plastic bags in my trash cans as liners and when my dog deposits, I use them to clean up her little presents.

So what will I have to do?  I guess I will have to BUY plastic bags to do the same thing.  One way or another I need those plastic bags.  OK so you say for the garbage cans use paper, the L.A. County law will have a surcharge for paper bags, and the bags I bring with me to the store, well reports say the lead content in them is hazardous to my health.

Once again, too much government.  As I see it from my side of the street, the “green” concerns and businesses are just another way for people to make money.  I have no problem with people making money; just do not force me to buy their ideas or products.  I understand people have environmental concerns, however if a solution is being forced upon me, please make it something which makes sense.  If me buying plastic bags and throwing them out is better than using bags provided by grocery stores, please educate me.  Show me how this will help the environment.  The only thing I see is it will help the makers of plastic bags and add to my grocery bill each week.

It is time not to be blinded by the green.  Blinded by people who tell us we are ruining the environment and taking private jets to tell me this.  We need to tell our elected officials to listen to the people.  We need to tell our elected officials to research what they are proposing, and if they can answer my question, my simple question, how will buying more plastic which I use and reuse now, help the environment.  I challenge any elected official to answer this.

And for those passionate about green, I urge you to think about and fully research  your proposals and   use common sense before you push government to force more regulations on an over 

Monday, November 15, 2010

Fighting On and Volunteering

It was a great weekend!!  The above pictures are from the Step Out, a diabetes walk to raise research money and awareness.  Not only was I able to raise some money., and again thanks to all who supported me, I was able to get a great deal of information on how to help my struggle with this terrible disease.  A boost I needed as I prepare to receive another injection in my eye today as I battle retinopathy thanks to my diabetes,.

I was also able to connect with Albertsons’ Grocery Stores as I try and get more diabetic friendly items on their shelves.  Katherine Ross, Mother Love, and the L.A. Lakers Cheerleaders were among those present to inspire all of the walkers; many who like me suffer from diabetes.  The only thing missing was media attention of this worthy event.  We really need to let everyone know that in ten years one in three people will likely suffer from diabetes.  This is a huge number.  Too bad the media world does not see us as one their “sexy” diseases which should have coverage.  I contacted a number of media outlets, but they had other things to cover on a Saturday, including other fund raising walks.  We all need to speak out and let the world know they need to learn about and fight diabetes.

That was Saturday.  On Sunday I performed my duties as a Docent at The Getty Center in Los Angeles.  I truly love doing this.  I have been a docent for about a month, and the joy I receive giving tours, manning the family room and sketching gallery does so much for me.  One, it makes me smile, two it gives me the opportunity to meet people from around the world, three it taught me all of us can and should volunteer in any way possible.  As the holiday season quickly approaches, even though stores are full of Christmas, it’s not holiday season yet, but as it approaches there are so many things we all can do to volunteer.  If it’s just bringing an unwrapped toy, or donating to a food bank, we should do it.  For those who have the time working in food pantries or food kitchens will be good for your heart and soul.

It took my health going south for me to take a long look at this and realize I could do more.  I hope at least one of you will join me.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Healthcare: What I Can Do

This is a very controversial issue.  According to polls, the majority of Americans do not like the current healthcare bill passed by Congress and the Senate.  Many of our representatives voted on a bill they did not even read.  I hope our newly elected officials take note of that.

So what we need is a compromise.  That will end my opinion on this.  What I want to talk about today, is not Cigna Insurance who decided to let a nurse overrule my doctor as to my disability, and not about being forced onto Medicare, making my monthly payments increasing hundreds of dollars.  OK I got a shot in, but I have done that my entire career as a sportscaster.

What I want to do is put my money where my mouth is.  I am a type two diabetic who uses insulin.  If you have read this blog before you know this is diabetes awareness month.  I was diagnosed with diabetes in the late 80’s.  For more than 20 years I have suffered from this horrible disease, living in denial for most of the 20 plus.  With coronary artery disease, retinopathy, and some foot problems, I have been slapped into reality.  So what can I do?

I can complain, why me, or do something about it.  I have decided on the later.  Last evening I went to a diabetes fair at a local hospital for continuing education on how to fight my diabetes.  I am doing a great deal of research on what I can do to make my life better.  I even try to cook diabetic meals to keep my blood sugars in check.  Despite all of this my morning sugars were 256 this morning, normal 70-120.  My A1C test was 9.4, very bad, it should be around 6.0.  I am frustrated struggling with meds, diet and exercise.  I am not about to give up!!!  There is too much life waiting for me out there and I will not miss it.  I may be a person who needs a cure not medicines.  We are getting closer.

So for the first time I am going to take part in the American Diabetes Association walk on Saturday.  This is to raise money to find a cure.  It is called Step Out: A Walk to Fight Diabetes.  I have posted this in my blog, on Facebook and on Twitter.  Some very dear people have made donations in my name to support me and the fight.  I cannot thank them enough.  Research can always use more money.  Although it is projected in ten years one out of three Americans’ will be diabetic, we are not the “sexy” disease today where money is easily raised,

If anyone can donate anything, a dollar, five, ten, this could help in finding a cure and maybe helping family members who have not yet been afflicted by this disease.   My latest challenge is my eyesight.  I thank God everyday to still be able to see, although my left eye is not good.  I will be out there walking and talking about diabetes as often and as long as as I can.

Thank you all for taking the time today to read this.  If you can support me in my walk here is a link:

Enter my name.  If your company has a matching funds option please include them too.  Thanks again!!!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

It Happened On Halloween …

This is an update on part of a blog I posted last week.  I included the tragic attack of a 15 year old dog, by a pit bull mix who escaped from his house. The good news, the dog survived the vicious attack and has started walking again. The bad news is Animal Control in Los Angeles, California and the actions taken to date. What have they done? From where I sit it seem like ABSOLUTLEY NOTHING!!

When this incident happened cars stopped, neighbors rushed to the aid of the dog and the woman walking him. One man was able to chase the attacking dog away during a second attack on the helpless victim. This dog rushed at me.
  I followed   “the Dog Whisperer” by César Milan’s technique, and ignored the dog, and he ignored me.

Shortly after the initial attach, the attacking dog owner drove up to the scene. Without emotion, identified the loose dog as his, picked it up and put in the car, walked over and give the poor dog owner his information and drove away. 
 I was able to get his license plate number and called 911.  First I was connected to Animal Control, they contacted the police.   The police quickly arrived on the scene, and thanks to a witness were taken to the man’s home.  I later found out this was not the first time this dog has escaped and the dog owner acknowledged his dog is “dog aggressive”.  Not only that, the owner did not follow instructions from the police to stop and proceeded to go into his house.

 The LAPD interviewed the owner and wanted the dog removed from the house. Animal Control said no.

A number of neighbors who witnessed the attack and ensuing chaos called Animal Control and wanted to know why the dog was left to attack other dogs again. Animal Control said they needed statements and would send forms. The forms have yet to arrive and now Animal Control is saying no one witnessed the incident. 
 I know of at least 5 people who asked for the forms, me being one, and I have not received one.

What to do?  The LAPD, told us to call 911 the next time this dog gets lose. If the dog is captured before his owner can contain him, the dog can be removed. As I understand it, Animal Control is worried about a possible lawsuit for taking a man’s possession from his him once the dog is back home.

In the meantime what does this do for the owners walking their leashed dogs in the neighborhood?
 What about the safety of young children who play in the neighborhood?  Is the neighborhood safe?

I understand Animal Control may be understaffed.  But this is a case where the neighborhood is working together to keep a safe environment.  Is this a case of what is good for one, is dangerous for many?   .

If this is the situation how do we protect people and their pets from dogs that have been taught to attack?
  Sadly, this is not an isolated incident.

Please help protect all of us from owners such as this as well as his dog.  Speak out against unleashed dogs roaming the streets and attacking other dogs.

Animal Control needs to do its job to protect the many, not just one.
  . Maybe if we all contact the ASPCA, and make them aware of situations such as this and the lack of response by Los Angeles Animal Control, they can lobby in all of our behalf.

Monday, November 8, 2010

It’s Their Sandbox

I think it is very funny, people up in arms about MSNBC entertainer Keith Olberman’s suspension by NBC.  The first reaction, hey what about FOX?  It seems FOX does not have the same rules as NBC.  It is like saying Bank of America and Chase should have the same rules.  Each company sets their own. 

I did think it interesting many who came to Olbermans defense yelled about FOX giving money to Republicans, but never brought up the fact MSNBC’s parent company GE gives money to Democrats.  I think it is interesting GE has a policy which will not let employees donate money unless they approve.

The bottom line Olberman violated his contract.  He is lucky he did not get fired.  He will be back on the air Tuesday night.  Now if he wants to play in NBC’s sandbox, he must follow their rules, or find another sandbox.

Keith, just like Sean Hannity, and Rush Limbaugh are nothing more than political entertainers.  They all are judge by ratings, lose the ratings and lose their jobs.  I have no problem with any political entertainer giving opinions.  They are NOT journalists, and to suggest that rules should change for journalists is absurd.

I remember one alleged journalist I worked with said he was going to use his position as senior political reporter to do everything in his power to make sure George Bush would not be re-elected.  I asked him if that was the proper thing to use his position for, he said he did not care.  These “type” of reporter sare the most dangerous.  They want you to believe they are fair and balanced and are not.

Come on we all know the leanings of the networks and cable networks.  But when a reporter decides to lean left or right there is a problem.  No wonder people do not trust most in the media.

Back to Olberman,  I wish him the best when he returns to the airwaves.  Was his hand slapped because he upset one of the powers that be?  Was this no more than to show Keith who is the boss?  I think the later, although I have no proof, but knowing the industry this is a tactic to reign in one who starts believing his own press.   According to, NBC sources say the suspension was over the amount of money he makes, and his balking at taking a pay cut.  Let us take this for what it was.  Let us not try to once again bring politics into an area where it is not needed.  If you are fan of Keith you will see him again, if not, you still will not watch him.  Let the ratings decide if he should continue in his current role or not.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Speak Out on Jessica’s Law

Here we go again, let us worry about the bottom feeders who prey on our children.  Personally I am sick of this the coddling of convicted sex offenders.  From the L.A. TIMES:

“California corrections officials this week stopped enforcing portions of Jessica's Law in Los Angeles County after a judge ruled that the 2006 statute restricting how close sex offenders can live to parks or schools is unconstitutional.

Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge Peter Espinoza concluded that the controversial measure left sex offenders in some areas with the choice of being homeless or going to jail because the law restricts them from living in large swaths of some cities such as Los Angeles.”

Give me a break!   We have to worry about the rights of people who want to arrack our children!!  I cannot believe there are no areas these “people” can find to live that is not more than 2 thousand feet away from schools, parks or play areas.  These people lost the right to be near children when they were convicted of attacking young boys and girls.

If they have to go back to jail, who the hell cares.  Oh they may find it a tough place to exist.  Child molesters do n ot do well in general population.  Even the most evil in the joint will not put up with this type of bottom feeder.  We have to worry about the rights of these people?  Again, they lost their rights when they attacked, molested, and murdered our children.

Let your elected representatives know about this, and do not stop until it is the rights of our young ones become of utmost importants.  If you find out a sex offender moves into your neighborhood let your neighbors know.   It is about time we speak out and protect children, and to hell with the sexual predators “rights”.

Proposition 83 known as Jessica’s Law was passed overwhelmingly by voters in California  in 2006.  Do your part to make sure it is enforced.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Post Election Thoughts,,,,and More

It is the “more” I am interested in.   The election is over so now let us see if we can get some representation for the people of this great country.  The far left and far right bore me.  Show me some cooperation newly elected, or get yourself booted out of office too.

Oh, and no more political ads to have to zip through on my Tivo.

Now to the important topics of the day.  Congratulations to the San Francisco Giants and all of their fans.  It was a long time coming.  See what happens when you move from New York.  For the entitled generation, yes they were the New York Giants first.  I am especially happy they were able to win the World Series without Barry Bonds.  In my years of covering sports he is near the top of the list of athletes who could not give a damn about the fans or the game.  I am glad he and his steroid laden body were not part of this celebration.

Next, something dear to me.  November is Diabetes month.  A time to get the word out how much we need a cure for this terrible disease.  I am putting my feet where my mouth is.  I will be walking in the American Diabetes Associations walk at Universal City on November 13th.  If you cannot join me in person, I am Team DeLisi, novel name right,  join me on line, and thank you to all who have joined me already, it is much appreciated.  Here is a link:

I hope to see you on the 13th.

Finally a sad post.  A dog in the neighborhood on Sunday got loose and attacked another dog. This is not the first time this dog has done this. Its owner collected his dog and took off.  I called his license plate in and lapd responded, even with a chopper... the animal police will not collect this dog because the owner secured him and they say no one saw the attack... just not true... The ASPCA needs to get involved.  This is not the dogs fault; it is the owner who showed no emotion or concern with the injured dog.  The attacked dog did survive thank God, and the owner of the animal who was loose has offered to pay half the vet bills.  That is a crock.  It is important for all of us to keep our dogs on a leash.  This dog has become lose and has attacked before.  Animal control needs to find out about this owner.  I am sure you have one just like this in your area.  Dogs have to be taught to be mean.  Owners such as this man need to lose the privilege of having a dog in his house.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Should These Hosts Be Fired

I was surfing through the Sunday morning shows yesterday and stumbled upon the Sunday edition of NBC’s Today Show.  The two hosts were dressed for Halloween.  Now how can I take seriously anything they say?  That, however, is not my concern.  My concern is they were both dressed as characters from the bigoted MTV show Jersey Shore.

This show does nothing but denigrates Italian’s.  Juan Williams got the NPR ax for expressing a concern, should the hosts be fired for denigrating Italians?  Oh they will not be.  The producer’s probably thought this was great television.  It made my blood boil.  Jersey Shore is nothing more than the 21st Century version of Amos and Andy.  Those of you from the entitled generation who know not of this show….. Google it.

How can an alleged legitimate network condone this treatment of an entire nationality?  I am sure if these hosts dressed in let us say Bin laden garb there would be calls for their heads.  If they dressed as African American Slaves, would this be tolerated?  I know not.  But the powers that be at NBC saw nothing wrong with their show anchors putting down Italians.

It is time we made our thoughts and feelings known, and not only should Italians be upset. All people who are tired of bigoted portrayals of any race, religion or nationality, should be as outraged as I am.  Hit Jersey Shore in the pocketbook.  Contact sponsors of this trashy show.   Let MTV know how you feel, and tell NBC this is just not acceptable behavior to have their hosts portray bigots.  Jersey Shore flaunts their controversy.  In their Wikipedia description:

The show debuted amid large amounts of controversy regarding the use of the words "Guido/Guidette," portrayals of Italian-American stereotypes

Just change guido/guidette to your nationalities derogatory terms, and put your race, nationality, or religion in the above sentence before the word stereotypes.  Would you accept this?  Get this 2010 version of Amos and Andy off the air!!!  And NBC decide if you want to be a news organization, or should the Today Show be considered no more than fluff television.  Most importantly, how about a little respect for Italian Americans.