Monday, August 23, 2010

Once A New Yorker

December 2010, marks my seven years anniversary of moving from New York to California I came out here on a vacation.  When I left JFK airport there were 7 inches of snow on the ground and it was biting cold.. When I arrived in L.A. it was 72 degrees and sunny.  I never made the return trip to New York City.

Yep once here I found a part time, then 
full time, job and the lure of sun and fun kept me here.  I have been back to New York briefly just once to help out my former boss.  But I found I had no desire to go back to the snow, sleet, and hot humid summers.

Living is California is very different than living in New York.  One thing which I have kept is my “
New York” edge I can be, and have been gruff, pushy, opinionated and downright mean.  One needs to do that back east just to survive.  Plus the hustle and bustle of life in New York City stayed with me.

I am sure this “different” behavior has turned off a number of people in my new neighborhood, and like a true New Yorker I did not really care. 
 I thought Who needs them?

Wait a minute, did I really say that? I sure did more times than not.  But; I have found that is not the truth!   If there is one thing I have learned since moving to California is I do need people.  I need the friendship closeness and camaraderie of people.  In return, I have learned to give back.  As you know, I have written about my health challenges.  Without the love and concern of my friends in Southern California, I do not think I would have made it this far.  
And, I cannot forget my friends back east!  Offering their words of love; emailing the inside jokes to make me laugh, along with messages with words of encouragement. 

Without all this contact I could have gone down the wrong path.   But, by changing my attitude I have redirected my direction and now I am now traveling on a different path.

Believe me the 
New York edge will always be a part of me. I will always be a little pushy, loud, short tempered and opinionated, however it will be with love and compassion, not with an intention to hurt or conquer.

I guess what I am trying to say is THANK YOU ALL for the love, care and concern. 
 All my friends have taught me to give, be of service and look on the bright side of the picture. Just do it without pushing too hard!


Marlene said...

Here, Here! Great blog and love your writing aspects...keep it coming!

Anonymous said...

Hmmm – I’m a California native and have been asked if I come from the east coast – specifically New York. After reading your blog, what I am doing to get that type of question?