Friday, January 8, 2010

Diabetes... Don't let it control you!

In early November of 2009, diabetes almost destroyed me. My blood sugars were going from a low of 64 to a high of 500 within an hour... back and forth and it was driving me insane. It made me so insane I almost lost all of the important people in my life, as well as my life. Since then I have listened to my doctors test my blood seven times a day and since November 7th my sugars are ALWAYS in the normal range.

Diabeles will strike differnt paarts of your body.. it has attacked my arteries and eyes. Thanks to my team of doctors I am fighting and I think winning this battle.

Please is you have a friend, loved one, co worker who has diabetes tell them it is a silent killer and unless they stay on top of this disease it will win. Don't let that happen to them. It is a fight which will be with them forever, but that doesn't mean they can lead a close to normal life.they have a team of doctors to stay on top of diabetes. With education and effort you dont' have to go through what i did. I have been a diabetic since the 80's but have just started taking it seriously. I thought I could beat this disease without any effort.. that will never happen, and the sooner you get on top of this this less chance of horrible complications overtaking you.

Just some of what can happen: you can loose toes or feet, lose your sight, fall into a major depression

Its important

1 comment:

lrm710 said...

Vince, I've been type 1 diabetic for 38 years since age 11 and have seen many exciting developments in the treatment options. As you mention, prevention is the key. You MUST plan a healthy diet and stick to you. You MUST exercise daily. You MUST check your bloodsugar levels and have a team of Dr's; nutritionist, podiatrist, opthamologist etc working with you. It cannot be ignored.