Tuesday, August 31, 2010

TSA Does It Again

Yes they have, let people board a plane with possible terroristic rehearsal items.  So a bottle of Pepto- Bismol taped to a cell phone could not do anything, so let them board the plane.  Do not question them, not necessary.  Come on give us all a break!!!  OF COURSE QUESTION THESE PEOPLE!!  I do not want to hear anything about racial profiling, this was a no brainer.  Why do we need to spend money on an ineffective TSA.  Let us hire people who one, give a damn and two know something about security.

Now the government of course is back peddling.  From the New York Times:

“You go into these situations with an open mind, but the facts never really supported a suspicion of terrorism,” said one law enforcement official, speaking of the continuing investigation on condition of anonymity. He said news accounts of the detentions, set off by an initial report by ABC News on Monday night, had made a sensation of what was really routine checking by counterterrorism investigators.
The American officials spoke as Dutch prosecutors said the two men, both Yemeni citizens, remained in custody “on suspicion of a conspiracy to a terrorist criminal act.” Prosecutors said it might be several days before a decision is made to charge or release them.
A search of Mr. Soofi by airport security screeners in Birmingham, Ala., as he waited to board a flight to Chicago on Sunday found that he was carrying $7,000 in cash and that his luggage contained a cellphone taped to a bottle of Pepto-Bismol, three cellphones taped together and several watches taped together, officials said.
“The items were not deemed to be dangerous in and of themselves,” said Amy Kudwa, a spokeswoman for the Department of Homeland Security, and Mr. Soofi was permitted to fly on to Chicago”.

How many more 9-11’s have to happen before we get tough and admit there are people out there who want nothing more than to kill Americans?

El Al Airlines has it right.  Interview passengers.   They do not worry about profiling; they worry about the safety of their passengers’ period.  And they get it right.  When will this government take a lesson and get it right too?`

Friday, August 27, 2010

Some Things I Know I Think

The state of California has done it again. This time to diabetic kids. This from the American Diabetes Association:

“On June 8, 2010, a California appeals court ruled that state law prohibits school employees who are not nurses from volunteering to help children with diabetes by administering needed insulin. There is one school nurse for every 2700 students in California; there is a budget crisis with school personnel being laid off across the state. And even if there was a full-time school nurse in every school, we know the nurse wouldn’t be available for all extra-curricular activities and field trips.
The result of this decision is obvious: young children with diabetes will not have access to the insulin that is their lifeblood.”

It is not like these kids have a choice to take their insulin now or later. Taking their insulin keeps their blood sugars stable.  Most people do not understand the importance of maintaining level blood sugars and how much damage high blood sugar causes internal organs.  The way I finally understood the damage caused by high blood sugar was when a friend gave me an analogy to think of sugar as raw sand running through my body and weakening my cardio vascular system and internal organs.

Regulating insulin administration is needed but to this level?  I find these rulings not surprising at all. Why do I say this?  I recently had an experience with my insurance company.  When I arrived at the pharmacy to pick up a refill of insulin it was not approved.  Why?   The refill policy was changed from pickup to mail order it without notifying me.  Just imagine my horror and surprise.  The result, I had to go a few days without proper insulin.  This episode was a very dangerous time for me.

 But to play their political tricks on children is just unthinkable. Bombard the California political legislative hacks with emails and phone calls please.  Question this rational and the ramifications. This is not right.  Our politicians are playing with the lives of young children this time around. I am sure most legislators have no clue on the effects of diabetes and the need for insulin shots. 

You do not have to live in California to be heard on this one. From an insulin dependent diabetic, I thank you in advance!!

Something else I think, and have thought for years. I realize presidents need vacations. Some presidents take more time off than others.  Why is it the news media files a report on how many times the first family goes for ice cream, swims, or plays ball. For me this is not news and I do not care! And I doubt if the reporters filing these reports care either. One reporter thought it was funny to post a “Breaking News” story about the President enjoying his vacation. Not only was it not funny, it showed how misused the phrase “Breaking News” is.  Most people I spoke with thought the reporter believed this report was “Breaking News”.

And one final thought. I went to the Hollywood Bowl this week to enjoy an evening of classical music. I really enjoyed the concert, the warm weather and a nice de-stressing evening.  My evening begins with a smile because the L.A. Philharmonic starts the concert playing the Star Spangled Banner and the audience singing our National Anthem.  And surprise we did not even need to say “play ball”.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Quick To Play The Blame Game

While watching ABC TV’s Good Morning America I was shocked but not surprised by this story by Andrea Canning. A mother of triplets was breast feeding one of the babies, in the hospital when the child flat lined in the arms of her mom Jessica Blischke.  Doctors were able to revive the baby and thankfully she appears to be just fine.  The child was given 400 times the amount of morphine usually given to infants.

To quote from the story:

“The doctors at Mission Hospital in California did not know what caused the collapse until Taylee  (the child) tested positive for high levels of opiates; chemicals found in drugs such as heroin and morphine.
The Blischkes, who live outside Seattle, Wash., say doctors turned their attention to Jessica, who they assumed had been using drugs and passed the toxins on to the baby through her breast milk.
But as quickly as she was accused, Blischke was vindicated by two living, breathing clues, her other daughters. When doctors tested Tasha and Tessa for opiates, results came back negative. Blischke was breastfeeding the triplets, so all the sisters would have tested positive had she been a drug user.”

So what happened?  A nurse mixed up the IV lines between mother and baby.  Of course an apology was coming right?  Wrong.  The triplets are now 16 months old and the words I am sorry have to been uttered.  Here is part of the hospital’s statement released to ABC.

Protecting the health and wellbeing of all of our patients is fundamental to our mission and values as caregivers at Mission Hospital. Our healthcare organization is deeply concerned about an incident that occurred in which an infant was mistakenly administered a medication last year. Consistent with our commitment to our patients we have conducted a process review and provided ongoing education and training for our patient care teams with regard to administering medications. Our top priority is to ensure we do everything possible to maintain the safe patient care environment for which our hospital is known to our community.

Blah blah blah it goes on and on.  Excuses were given about how tired the nurse was.  When I go to a hospital I expect the staff to be on their game 100 per cent of the time.

Next time you are in a hospital and the staff wants to administer anything to you, ask and ask again.  It is your life on the line and you have every right to know what is going on with your care.  If you are not sure, do not take the medicines until you speak with YOUR doctor.  No one cares about your life more than you do.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Once A New Yorker

December 2010, marks my seven years anniversary of moving from New York to California I came out here on a vacation.  When I left JFK airport there were 7 inches of snow on the ground and it was biting cold.. When I arrived in L.A. it was 72 degrees and sunny.  I never made the return trip to New York City.

Yep once here I found a part time, then 
full time, job and the lure of sun and fun kept me here.  I have been back to New York briefly just once to help out my former boss.  But I found I had no desire to go back to the snow, sleet, and hot humid summers.

Living is California is very different than living in New York.  One thing which I have kept is my “
New York” edge I can be, and have been gruff, pushy, opinionated and downright mean.  One needs to do that back east just to survive.  Plus the hustle and bustle of life in New York City stayed with me.

I am sure this “different” behavior has turned off a number of people in my new neighborhood, and like a true New Yorker I did not really care. 
 I thought Who needs them?

Wait a minute, did I really say that? I sure did more times than not.  But; I have found that is not the truth!   If there is one thing I have learned since moving to California is I do need people.  I need the friendship closeness and camaraderie of people.  In return, I have learned to give back.  As you know, I have written about my health challenges.  Without the love and concern of my friends in Southern California, I do not think I would have made it this far.  
And, I cannot forget my friends back east!  Offering their words of love; emailing the inside jokes to make me laugh, along with messages with words of encouragement. 

Without all this contact I could have gone down the wrong path.   But, by changing my attitude I have redirected my direction and now I am now traveling on a different path.

Believe me the 
New York edge will always be a part of me. I will always be a little pushy, loud, short tempered and opinionated, however it will be with love and compassion, not with an intention to hurt or conquer.

I guess what I am trying to say is THANK YOU ALL for the love, care and concern. 
 All my friends have taught me to give, be of service and look on the bright side of the picture. Just do it without pushing too hard!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

A Follow Up On Grocery Stores and Diabetes

On July 23rd I wrote a short blog about food, diabetics and being heard.  Here is the blog:

I was at one of the food stores I shop at today.  It was a Vons.  I wanted to see how diabetic friendly they are.  I asked about sugar free drinks, desserts, no sugar added items, low carb selections.  The manager was happy to answer my questions and take suggestions.  We are a very big group of consumers, but if we do not speak up we will not be heard.  So please speak up.  During the weeks and months to come I will be checking grocery stores, food stores like Trader Joe's, Fresh and Easy, and Whole Foods.  So far the least diabetic friendly store is Whole Foods.  I asked Fresh and Easy to get a sugar free product and they did.  So let us unite and find the best place to spend our money!!!!... Post your suggestions and findings on this blog, and I will spread the word.

Here is a follow up.  I wrote to the California stores, Ralphs, Vons, Albertsons, Trader Joe’s, Whole Foods, Fresh and Easy, and Gelson’s.  I received some automated emails in response, and one personal response from Ralphs.  Ralphs said they understood my position.  That was it.  I do not think these stores believe diabetics as a group will unite and shop where we are taken care of.  My unscientific survey finds this:

Fresh and Easy has great selections for one or two people, but they do not cater to diabetics at all.  Very few if any low or no sugar items.  The major grocery stores, token stocking of low sugar items, and most with no sugar are more expensive that items with sugar.

Finding drinks with little or no sugar is tough.  After Diet Coke, and Diet Pepsi, there are few choices.

Gator Aide told me they have no plans to introduce a no sugar product.  Power Aide, meanwhile has a no sugar sports drink in a number of flavors. Good for them and I spend a good deal of my money on that product.

The only way we are going to have an effect on what these stores carry is for each and every diabetic to make noise at the local store.  I do, and I do it in a polite and non threatening way.  I do however let the stores know I will shop at places who care about my needs.

It only takes a minute to make a suggestion to a local manager or write an email.  If we all do this we will have so many more choices as we try and take care of our blood sugar needs.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Getting What They Deserve

After spending more than 35 years covering sports, I can honestly say I am fed up.  Fed up with the entitled babies who are making millions and cheat if they have to, to get those millions.

Now Major League Baseball for years turned their heads about drug and steroid abuse in the game, so now when some of its’ superstars are being exposed, Bud Selig, the used car salesman, who runs the league, should not only speak out against the use of performance enhancing drugs, but be a man and step forward and admit the leagues part in this problem.
Testing has brought about suspensions.  Proving time and again many of our “superstars” are not the brightest bulbs on the tree.

The latest is a former Red Sox, Bluejay, Yankee, and Astro , Roger Clemens.  Roger the Rocket has been indicted by a federal grand jury for allegedly lying to Congress about his use of steroids.

He still denies it and says he will fight the charges.  He joins Barry Bonds who will go on trial for lying to a grand jury about his steroid use.

When will athletes start being concerned about what they are doing to their bodies?  Players have died, had heart transplants and gone crazy because of performance enhancing drugs.  We the sports fans have tolerated this abuse by going to games and watching them on TV.  Yes I am one of those who watched, and still do.  There is room I believe for forgiving those who have admitted the use and abuse.  Those who lie about it should be delt with accordingly.

Maybe some of us have to realize we are responsible for this rampant abuse.  I know one parent who gave his son steroids in elementary school because he was going to be the next baseball star.  The poor kid was done with organized sports before junior high school  because of the affects of steroids and the injuries which went along with them.

Now that the likes of Clemens and Bonds will go on trial, maybe just maybe we can begin turning  around this abuse.  They should be punished if they did In fact lie, but I will be happy if just one athlete turns away from performance enhancing drugs and uses his or her God given talents to compete in the field of play.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Biggest Con Game Going

Now what can that be?  Sky rocking credit card interest rates:, the Stock Market daily dance, refinancing one’s home?  The answer to the above is none.

 The biggest con game is run by health insurance companies.

We hear how much medical costs are rising and rates have to go up. Why, because those running these insurance companies have to line their pockets with extreme amounts of cash. Another indication this country is becoming the “haves” versus the “have not’s”. 
 I am not suggesting we take away from hard working people and give their money away. I am suggesting we take a long look at companies that highly compensate their executives for poor leadership and management, this is just plain robbery.

Some published examples:

Well Point insurance in California wanted a 39 percent increase in their 
health insurance rates. Why, well maybe because their CEO’s salary was going to go up 51 per cent.

Aetna profits jumped 40 percent.

The 5 heads of health insurance companies will make over 200 
million dollars. Rate increases they say are needed. Why; because they want to prepare for costs which will take effect in 2014 when new insurance rules are in place.

Then there is the company which affects me personally, Cigna. My doctors have said I cannot work because of health problems. MD’s, 
trained medical doctors who have been working with me all during my health issues.  Interesting, a nurse practitioner paid by Cigna declares I can work.  So this insurance company stops paying my private long term disability payments Now I have to make a decision, medication or eat. 

The company cannot survive paying me; however their retiring CEO Ed Hanway got a package worth 111 million dollars (yes that is the right number) . I guess stopping my monthly check goes right into his pocket.

I do not want the 
federal government to get involved. Each state has the ability to stop insurance companies from gouging us with these immoral rate increases. I challenge each state to do their job and JUST SAY NO. I am sure the CEO’s can survive and just a bit less.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

It’s More Than Just My Diet!!

I use to be a pretty healthy guy.  OK I was a bit overweight at times, but I tried to watch what I ate… if I did not those extra pounds really showed on television. I ate healthy for the most part.

Skip ahead to 2005.  I was walking up a hill to get my car, and I became totally out of breath. This was not like me, so I went to my doctor, who walked me to a cardiologist. We did an angiogram and during the test the doctor awoke me and said I needed a heart by-pass operation. I was clueless so I said go ahead. He said it is not that easy. 
 I went back to my room; a surgeon came in and explained everything.

They proceeded to tell me, my cholesterol was high so were my triglycerides, and I had a bunch of blockages. 
 So, I underwent a double by-pass and thought everything would be just fine.

Maybe not, since then I have had multiple “procedures in implant seven stents to open my arteries.  One more stent,  and I will probably set off metal detectors all over town!!!

My condition is genetic.
  Had to be, I could not blame just myself or my eating habits. OK cut back on the Pasta and Pizza, stop fast food. But it was not that easy.  In 2009 I spent at least one night in the hospital in ten of twelve months. What was wrong?  I was swimming, thought I was watching my diet as I gained 63 pounds.  Note: I have lost them by the way!

I normally believe I know it all. 
  This is one of my character defects, which I am really working on. Along comes a report on ABC’s “Good Morning America”, and all of a sudden I get a wakeup call.  Let me quote from an article the report was based on by John Gever,  MedPage Today Senior Editor.

“People with antagonistic or disagreeable personalities have thicker arterial walls that may make them more prone to heart attacks and strokes, researchers said.
The carotid artery lining was significantly thicker in people who rated low on a scale of agreeableness, reported Angelina Sutin of the National Institute on Aging in Bethesda, Md., and colleagues.
In a study of 5,614 residents of the Italian island of Sardinia, those ranking in the lowest 10 percent of agreeableness were 1.4 times as likely to have thickening in their lining of their carotid artery, the researchers found. This held true even after the researchers adjusted for cholesterol levels, smoking status and other risk factors.
The researchers also found that an antagonistic personality predicted increased thickening over approximately three years of follow-up.
"Antagonistic individuals, especially those who are manipulative and aggressive, have greater increases in arterial thickening, independent of traditional cardiovascular risk factors," Sutin and colleagues wrote in the American Heart Association journal Hypertension.”

So, No more excuses.  It is time to chill out.  Take a deep breath; stop letting people whom I do not even know upset me.  To hell with aggressive drivers, crazy neighbors, and people just looking for a fight, they can make themselves sick, not my problem..

Good advice for all with coronary artery problems or not.  Why let that nasty neighbor with the ugly attitude, foul mouth ruin your 

Instead, chill out, enjoy a movie or concert, or a quiet dinner with a special someone.  Isn’t that what life is about?

Monday, August 16, 2010

I Have So Many Questions!

I will ask just a few this time.

Why it is one judge can overturn the will of the people? 
 I am referring to California Prop 8.  Now before you jump all over me, I have no problem with gay marriage If homosexual and lesbians want to be another statistic adding to the population where one of two marriages end in divorce that’s fine with me.  I am sure divorce lawyers are counting the additional income already. 

Is this something which could be resolved by redefining the word marriage or coming up with another term for same sex couples?  I do not have an answer; however the United States is still a democracy and we must accept it when a majority votes on one side of an issue.

Here is my concern, a vote was called and taken, the proposition lost.  If we allow our votes to be overturned by the judicial system, are we putting ourselves at risk of losing our voice?  It’s not the issue I am concerned with; it is more the precedent being set.

Whether I voted for 
President Obama or not, I accept he is our President.  For those who voted differently, the majority ruled, accept it.  In America we vote in our representatives, then rate them, and decide to keep them in office or vote them out next time around.  This is the process that makes us the best country in the world.

My next question, why did our President get into the fight over the 
Mosque to be built in New York City, so near the site of 9-11?  I lived in New York on September 11th and I am of the opinion of 79 percent of New Yorkers, build a Mosque, but not there.  Why can not the Muslim world understand the insensitivity of this project?  When two Catholic nuns wanted to build a Catholic memorial at the site of a Nazi death camp, Pope John Paul II said it was not appropriate to build there.  No memorial was built there.  I don’t have the answer to this question.  

And finally today, who cares about 
Levi Johnson and Bristol Palin Why are Lindsay Lohan’s problems o newsworthy?  We should let these families work out their own solutions unless they ask for help.

That is enough for today!!

Friday, August 13, 2010

Taking Care of a Broken Heart

This is a tough one for me.  I received a disturbing email from my daughter on Thursday telling me I would no longer hear from her.  This news hit me like a piano falling on my head!  What happened?  What did I do?  Those were my first thoughts.  Then I started to cry.

In her email she told me she does not feel like part of the family, and I only care about her brother.  Nothing can be further from the truth!  I don’t know where this is coming from or what brought this on. 

A little family background.  I have two children; my biological son, and my adopted daughter.  

I was such a proud father when my son was born two days before Christmas.  What a great Christmas and life present.  I was just as proud when a miracle happened and my wife and I received our daughter from her biological mother at, of all places a Howard Johnsons restaurant on January 14, 1981.  She was just three days old.  We were picked to be her parents and I was handed my little princess.

Now looking back I can see I was not the best father in the world.  But, I was not the worst father either.  My priorities were mixed up.  I worked so many hours, 7 days a week for years.  Yes I could be called a “workaholic”.  I worked in different cities, from where my family lived.  I worked to provide the best for my son and daughter.  What I see now is I should have provided them with my time and attention, not material things.

My son went to college, married a wonderful woman and has given me two beautiful grandchildren whom I adore.  My daughter has taken a different path. She started college and went on her own for six years without contacting me.  Then out of the blue on my birthday in June 2007 I received a Happy Birthday call from her.  What a wonderful gift!    Wanting to respect her choices, I never asked where she was for those six years and she did not offer.

Both my children do not live near me.  My traveling days are almost nonexistent, due to my compromised health, and associated medical costs. Since I cannot travel, I treasure my family phone conversations.  My daughter and I talk about things we use to do together, our common likes and send each other lots of text messages.  I also treasure my talks with my son, his wife and my granddaughter.  My grandson is too young to talk

Somehow there was a major disconnect with my daughter.  She feels ignored and unloved.  I don’t know where this is coming from.  I love my family, ALL of them equally.  And although there are some things I can not fix because I was often absent in my children’s lives when they were young, my love for them will never falter.

Sadly, I will respect my daughter’s decision to go away.  It breaks my heart, but she was taught to make her own decisions and I must respect this decision as well.   I will miss her and our talks.  My heart will ache and I will always wonder how she is doing.  I will also accept any decision my son has to make toward me.  I just need both of them to know, their dad is not perfect, but is trying to make progress, and that I love them both with all of my heart.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Are You One of the Entitled?

The JetBlue Incident brings up so much more than the meltdown of flight attendant Steven Slater.  Of course he could have handled the situation differently, he did not have to slide down an emergency exit, or swear at the passenger.   Slater however has struck a nerve with the public.  One MOST of us understand.

Missing in this story is what part did the unruly passenger play in what happened?  Reports say the passenger was a problem at the start of the flight from Pittsburgh Pennsylvania, and was even more of a problem while the jet was going to its gate.

The passenger had to get the bag down because this person was entitled to do so...  You do not agree, just ask the passenger who was probably was in a rush, or just plain did not want to wait its turn to depart the jet and is better than the rest of the passengers!

I was on a flight once and the captain stopped the jet and said FAA regulations say one must be seat belted in until the gate was reached.  And until that occurred, the jet would go nowhere.

We have so many entitled persons in our society.  They use to be called rude.  I do not think the P.C. police would like that.   It happens every day.  You want to leave an elevator but, someone must push their way in.  It is more important they get in, or someone is walking through a door and lets in slam in your face.  Hey they do not have to wait for you.  You are just not that important.

Here in Beverly Hills California; there is an intersection at Sunset Boulevard and Beverly Glen.  There is a right turn lane to go onto Sunset.  It is a long line during the evening rush hour, and every day drivers pull up on the left and EXPECT you to let them cross the solid white line and let them in.  If you do not, THEY have road rage. (Note to the LAPD… You can write tickets daily and fill the City’s coffers).  So many close calls and fender benders happen here.

What is missing in today’s society is something called manners.  Too many people were brought up with the notion it is all about them and to hell with you!!

Maybe we all need to go back and read Miss Manners.  If you have never heard of her, Google her you will find her.  Read about manners and learn something.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Following One’s Own Advice

I wrote a blog about how Diabetics can enjoy a weekend and not compromise one’s health. I was happy with the blog.

A friend of mine who read the blog asked me if I was going to print out my essay and keep it in my pocket. 
 I laughed and said good idea and left it at that.  I have been thinking about that comment all weekend and you know what, it is a great suggestion.  So great, I am thinking about advice I give, ok maybe I should call them suggestions, and I am looking to see if I practice what I preach. The answer is, not nearly enough!

It is not often people come to me and look for advice. 
 But when they do, I work hard to make sure what I am saying is useful.  I now will look deeper and see if I am helping myself as well.
Here’s an example:

As parents we tell our children to do this and that, but do we do the same?  Do we practice what we say?  Do we lead by example?

I live over 2000 miles away from my children.  Seeing them regularly is not an option.  When I do see them, it is a real luxury.  I miss hearing from my children.  The silence between calls really hurts.  I cannot express how much I miss them and my grandchildren.  I especially miss hearing about all the little milestones my grandchildren are experiencing. 

I know keeping in contact is not a one way street.  And yet with their busy lives, I expect them to keep in touch with me, to call.

Being busy at work is not an excuse.  I know when I was in my prime, I used the excuse I was busy earning a living.   Now I ask myself, what type of example did I teach?

Parents need to do everything possible to stay in touch with their children, period!  The loneliness I experience is not caused because of a one way street. The loss of family contact in our mobile society can be easily avoided if communication is established when children are young, ask questions, just watch them do silly things, talk to them

One does not need to let their ego get in the way.  Pick up the phone.  Remember kids will have their own opinions; respect them as you would like them to respect your own.  Talk to them, you might learn something.

OK I guess I should print this one out too and practice what I preach.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Getting Through the Weekend as a Diabetic

Here it is another weekend and as a diabetic I must make choices.

1.    What to eat.  Depends if one is eating out or at home.  If you are eating out, make sure the restaurant will make your order diabetic friendly.  Most will but you have to speak up.  It may be smart to call ahead to see if they can accommodate you.  If you are eating at home have fun.  There are many diabetic friendly recipes to choose from.  I personally like to go to dlife   http://www.dlife.com  they have thousands of recipies, and they calculate depending on how many servings you need.
2.    If you want an alcoholic beverage check with your doctor first.  If you have done this DO NOT exceed what is safe for you.  Some doctors say never, others will say yes “but”.   Follow that but.
3.    Many things will affect your blood sugar.  If you are going to exercise make sure you have enough “fuel” in your body so sugars do not drop too low.  Carry glucose tablets with you at all times.
4.    You know your body if things do not seem right, figure out what you should do.  Make sure you have a blood meter with you and check it often.
5.    Make sure the people who are with you know you are diabetic, and have meds (like an insulin pen) with you to compliment the glucose tablets.  Make sure your doctors number is somewhere on your person or in your cell phone, and let a friend or loved one know where you keep that.
6.    HAVE FUN.  One does not have to eat or drink in excess to have fun.   Know your limits, do not exceed them.  I want you back reading my blog next week.  


Thursday, August 5, 2010


Read this on my friend Ben Maller’s Website   http://benmaller.com

NCAA wouldn’t let Boise St. coaches attend funeral of dead football recruit
Leave it to the NCAA to regulate how much contact a member school can have with prospective student athletes and their families – even when they are dead. It’s a rule that needs changing. Boise State football recruit Emil Smith died in a July 18 car accident in Hemet, Calif. His brother Dimitri Garcia, 22, also died in the accident. Smith said the Broncos’ coaching staff was influential in his decision to join the Broncos’ 2011 recruiting class. Running backs coach Keith Bhonapha was Smith’s primary recruiter. … But when Smith died, the Broncos’ coaching staff was handcuffed by NCAA rules. Because Smith had not signed a National Letter of Intent (NLI) – signing day is in February – Boise State coaches could not comment on Smith. They could not attend his funeral. They could not send flowers. They could not call his grieving parents or any other family members. “There was nothing the school could do,” said Scott Hobbs, Boise State’s assistant athletic director for compliance. — Idaho Statesman

This is asinine, ridiculous, disrespectful, and just plain stupid!!!  With all of the cheating going on in  college football, just ask USC about that, this  outdated organization needs to focus on problems on the field and off the field activities such as paying for homes for players parents.

But not to allow coaches to attend a funeral of a recruit who died, what are they thinking?  The NCAA has also denied players from getting a plane ticket paid by the school to attend funerals of loved ones.

I was told I could take some kids out to dinner, but could not provide transportation!!

Come on NCAA get your priorities straight.  Come up with a division one football championship, you have one in basketball and lower division football.  But the big pay days you guys get from the bowls allows you to ignore what fans and schools actually want.  Investigate allegations of alumni giving financial perks to players and families with more vigor.   It should not happen years after a player is gone.

Stop having rules which do not allow coaches and players to pay their respects to grieving families.    School members you should insist on changes or maybe form a new organization.

NCAA, revamp your outdated ways, or do us all a favor and go away.