Thursday, July 29, 2010

If Yankee and Red Sox Fans Can Get Along Why Can't Our Leaders?

The Yankee/ Red Sox rivalry may be the most intense in all of sports.  Ok, you think your rivalry is greater, that is fine.  But my Red Sox friends are welcome in my home anytime. We disagree on teams but respect each other.  They may dislike A-Rod and Jeter, but we have fun with the rivalry.

So I ask, why can not the extreme Left and Right learn from this?  Why can not the White House and Republican leaders learn from this?

What a concept. I am talking about respect.  Both sides have GREAT ideas.  That is right I said both sides, and I think it is important we have more than one sided opinions and suggestions.

Today, the extreme left and right believe they are right and will do anything to attack the other side.  How is this productive?  There is so much time spent digging up dirt on those who do not agree with them.  Imagine if these people spent their time working with each other to come to a win-win solution. 

Today our leaders have forgotten the art of compromise and that is too bad.  No one is ALWAYS right or ALWAYS wrong.  If our leaders would concentrate on working together we would not be in the crisis (turmoil) we are in now.  The nations of the world now have a disdain for the United States. They see us fight each other… what a great offense for them.  Without unity this great nation will not survive.  So Democrats and Republicans work to find common ground and unite.

Let us resume the art of compromise. Let us not turn into a country of have and have not’s.  Let us become a strong UNITED STATES again!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

What Has Happened To Reporting the News?

I have been in the business of reporting news and sports for more than 35 years.  I always work to give both sides of a story.  Maybe my proudest moment was when I did a pro life and pro choice story while working in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.  After the story aired, both sides of this debate contacted my boss to say what a good job I did.  How about that!.  I gave both sides a chance to speak and be heard.  What a concept!!!

What has happened to that concept today?  It does not seem to happen much anymore.

For example, the media jumped on the Shirley Sherrod story without checking facts or listening to the entire speech.  Isn’t that like a doctor saying you need an operation without running any tests!  This is just one example I  bring to the table.

Another example, NBC News reported on President Obama and his family vacationing in Maine, and I learned what a great time they had eating ice cream.  I ask, how is  that news?  ABC news went a bit more in depth.  They pointed out  the First Family was vacationing in Maine, but prior to the start of  this vacation the first lady encouraged Americans to vacation in Gulf.  I noticed where the first family vacationed, not the Gulf, but Maine.

 Same story, two different news organizations... one reports a puff piece while the other did find some news to report on their trip

I cringe when I read one sided reports... or hear "reporters" cheer for one side or the other.

I have even heard a reporter come right out and said they would do anything they could to make one party lose the election.

From my education and training I learned, if you are a commentator that’s fine to make such a statement and label it as such, but do not make it seem to be a factual report.

I am now on disability with coronary artery disease and diabetes.  I can no longer go on the streets and file reports like I once did.  I can however, write, and will continue to fight for journalistic principals.  And to all the bean counters running news divisions, stop hiring reporters without experience because they are cheap!!!     And STOP telling them how to cover the story!   This is not reporting factual news.  We need a return to  fair and unbiased reporting.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Dealing with a Loss

Nothing makes me feel better than the love I receive from a pet. When I am ill or feeling down, my little buddy Mia does everything she can to make me feel better. When I am not around her I feel something in my life is missing.

Recently I was befriended by three cats, Scatters, Nachos, and Vito. Now this trio is independent and did not accept me right away. These cats are not indoor cats, they spend a good deal of time outdoors   Scatters.... well he would.....always scatter... the perfect name for him. 
 He is mister independent.  But, after feeding them a few times they accepted me as much as a cat can.

Vito turned out to be my friend.  He would run to my car when I came home, sit on my lap and let me know in no uncertain terms when he was hungry.

Sadly, Saturday night Vito was outdoors enjoying the full moon, and so were the coyotes in the neighborhood.   The coyotes managed to attack him in his back yard.  Despite two hours of treatment by a Vet, Vito did not make it.  He was attacked on his head and lungs and the trauma was too severe.   Vito crossed the rainbow bridge that night.   He may be gone, but his memory lives under the peach tree he loved to relax under, this is where he was laid to rest.

For those of you who want to say it was only a pet SHAME ON YOU. Vito was part of my life as well as his masters, the neighbors and friends.  It is a loss that is so hard to deal with, and that is what I am doing while composing this blog.

I gave the other two cats’ big hugs and even Scatters who does not like to be held accepted my hug and then rubbed up against my legs.

Pets are family period. Love them, make sure they are fed, and love them more. With all of the hot temperatures in most of the nation, this is a reminder to not leave your pet in the car, make sure they the have plenty of fresh water inside and out and are safe in your home. .

Vito (Vits) I miss you!

Friday, July 23, 2010

Diabetics Unite at Food Stores!!!!

I was at one of the food stores I shop at today.  It was a Vons.  I wanted to see how diabetic friendly they are.  I asked about sugar free drinks, desserts, no sugar added items, low carb selections.  The manager was happy to answer my questions and take suggestions.  We are a very big group of consumers, but if we do not speak up we will not be heard.  So please speak up.  During the weeks and months to come I will be checking grocery stores, food stores like Trader Joe's, Fresh and Easy, and Whole Foods.  So far the least diabetic friendly store is Whole Foods.  I asked Fresh and Easy to get a sugar free product and they did.  So let us unite and find the best place to spend our money!!!!... Post your suggestions and findings on this blog, and I will spread the word.


Thursday, July 22, 2010

Couple of things... Fighting the Insurance Companies and Diabetics Unite!!!

An acquaintance of mine once told me the only customer health insurance or disability insurance companies like are the dead ones.  I did not want to become so cynical however I am now.  I am currently unable to work.  My internist says so, so does my cardiologist.  Even Social Security agrees.  That did  not stop Cigna Insurance from stop sending me my long term disability check.  Why, well they have a nurse practitioner who says my doctors are not right.  So there goes a huge chunk of money I need to pay for my health insurance, my doctors and my meds.  Do they care?  Not at all.

I would LOVE to go back to work.  The only problem is when I go back I last 3 months tops and I am back in the hospital.  So what to do.  Well I am trying to get the word out and checking legal remedies but of course that costs money which I no longer have.  I will though continue to fight.

Diabetics Unite.  As I walk through food stores I see less and less choices for low sugar and no sugar foods and drinks.  Don't the grocery companies want our business?  When something is  not there I ask the store to try and get it.  I also look for stores which have my items, and thank them for carrying the products.  The only way they will count us is to be vocal in a nice way, but be vocal often.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Cannot Believe I am Reading this

This really scares me.  To suggest any legitimate news organization be shut down, because one does not agree with it is so anti-American.  I believe people have to right to their opinions but to suggest something get shut down is down right ridiculous!!!!  Check out this article and tell me what you think,, and long live  FOX news MSNBC CNN etc  because this is American.   1984 is here now if we do not watch out!!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Please Rescue -Beware of Puppy Mills

This is Mia.  She is a rescue from Boston Buddies, and thank God for them!  My friend rescued "The Mi" two years ago when she was nine... no one wanted her;  she was too old.  She was rescued by Boston Buddies from a very bad situation.  "The Mi" and I have become very close. She has brought nothing but joy to my life... She just loves the sun, as you will see in the picture below, and loves to be loved.

When I was recovering from surgery Mia comforted me, she knew something was wrong and would not leave my side.  When something is wrong now she senses it better than humans.  In fact humans cannot sense when Mia is not feeling well.

There are thousand like Mia out there who offer love and companionship just waiting for you to let them adopt you.  Please consider this if you are looking for a dog or a cat.

I live in the Valley in California, and along Ventura Blvd. there are pet stores selling puppies fromPuppy Mills.  Be aware these dogs come with a good chance of major medical issues through cross breeding and terrible living conditions.  Pass these stores by, or let them know what they are doing in wrong.

There is nothing better than the love of a dog or cat, and if you rescue one you will have  a friend for life.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Move Those Signs Now!!!!

Here it is a beautiful Saturday morning in the Valley, I am driving and there they are street signs on wheels  advertising everything from massages to breakfast.  There is always one problem.  The signs pollute the streets with low budget down right ugly signs.  Not only that they take up hard to be found parking places along the streets.

Lets get rid of these signs NOW!!  Hey LAPD... ticket and tow them if they are  there longer than it is legal to park.  Hey City Hall.. do something like pass an ordinance to get rid of these eye eyesores.

One thing I do when I am stopped long enough to do so I copy their phone number then call them and tell them I will never use their services because of the signs.

I did see something which made me laugh today.  An owner of one of these signs was standing by it very upset.  It was the victim of tagging.  Now that was just fine with me.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Some Random Thoughts

I am sick of the far right and far left... they always seem to look for a fight... as anyone ever heard of compromise? I do dont understand why people cannot find the middle.  And I really do not understand why people can take topic a and all of a sudden they are on  topic z

Case in point.  I posted on my facebook how upset I was with ABC Radio news for having to bring up dirt about George Steinbrenner on the day of his death.  Sure some people disagreed with me and that is always fine, however one of my "friends had to ad a profanity laced tirade about Genn Beck and FOX News.  What that had to do with the price of tea I just do not know

I am a diabetic and have been since the 80's.  It beats me up every day.  It is not in control more than out.  I wish this killer disease would get more funding to research how to control or even stop diabetes.  It will help millions.

With the excessive heat and heat alerts please check on your older and ill neighbors to see they are ok!!!!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

We Will Miss You Mr. Steinbrenner

What  a way to start my day.  George Steinbrenner owner of the New York Yankees has passed.  I always had the utmost respect for the Boss. He was criticized for quote buying championships.  Bottom line, he spent his own money on players, and was taxed by Major League Baseball and his money went to other owners who put the money in their pockets.. not spending it on players.

The Boss was always good to me.  In ny first year at WNBC TV I asked him for a one on one interview he said yes.. and sat there while my photographer changed a dead battery.  We did a long interview, when the rest of the media realized what was happening and started coming over the boss smiled and said look whose coming I have to go.

There were many days at Yankee Stadium when I was there early he would come over and chat.  He was proud of his team and his stadium.  He one day dragged me into the rest rooms to show me how clean they were.

He did not much are about the criticism of other owners and fans.  He was all about wining and did everything he could to put the best in baseball in pinstripes.

Boss George I will and already do miss you.  New York and Major League Baseball will not be the same without you.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Keep Our Jobs Here

Now we can rest because we know where Lebron James will play basketball, maybe we can turn our attentions to all of the U.S. jobs being offshored.  I refuse to speak to people not in the United States,  when I call customer service and can not understand the person on the other end of the line, I ask to be transfered to someone in the United States.  If they will not do that well then it is time to change companies.  Do not let someone overseas deal with your private information.

Another example.  An entertainment company here decided to save on benefits and off shore their I.T. department.  The company can not find anyone in their country to do this job... so they come back to the United States and off you your old job back.  The only problem you were making 100 thousand dollars a year.. the want to pay you 30,  the entertainment company is still shelling out 100 grand... but no benefits... most say no now the U.S. companies are trying to get out of those contracts.  Hey government leaders... DO SOMETHING.  Make it horrible for companies to off shore... you are good at taxing.. so make it undesirable to off shore.  Thats the way to keep our jobs here, with people working spending and paying taxes.  I guess they did not teach smart business sense in political hack school.

Friday, July 9, 2010

So What has the King done?

Am I missing something?  Lebron James created a show... where am I going?  and this is covered by "legitimate news outlets".

Let me see has Lebron capped the oil spill?... maybe he negotiated the swaps of Russian spy's for Americans... no? hmmm Is he doing anything  you and I care about?  I don't thinks so... but yet this is all we hear about...  Tell me morre about the young boy missing in Oregon, or who really rioted in Oakland...  But to waste your time telling me about Lebroan James... Shame on you in the news business.  There are plenty of  too many  sports outlets to do that.  It is embarrassing you call yourselves news.