Friday, June 25, 2010

Play Blackjack on Us

Couldn't believe the article I read in the L.A. times which informed me that my tax dollars are going to those on welfare   who use their cards at Casinos!!!!  I know I know  they are entitled to fun and relaxation on your and my dime...  Is this what we have become?  Here is an idea... let them find a job... earn money and pay for their own fun and relaxation.  What a concept!!

The World Cup can take a lesson from Wimbledon... no ties... play until there is a winner.  How can one watch 90 p;us minutes of play to a 0-0 tie and say they watched a great sporting event.

This weekend the Yankees visit Dodger stadium... wow it should be a great weekend... but boo on the Dodgers who refused to sell tickets to the game unless a season plan of at least 7 games was purchased... translation... lets keep Yankee fans out of Dodger stadium..  Not gonna work but will make scalpers very rich!!!!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Some Things I Know I think

Those of you who can't clean up after onesself at a place like Starbucks are lazy entitled slobs.

If you want respect... earn it.. especially LAPD officers who let a door slam on a woman yesterday.

If the parking lot is empty....DON'T park right next to me!!

If a movie theater is empty... DONT' sit next to me and use your cell phone.

If you're a pro athlete and fail ONE drug test... you're banned for life.

Welfare recipiants in California should NOT  be able to use thier welfare cards at Casinos.